

Jennie's recipes

Monday 3 September 2012

At the Antiques Fair again

 Winstanley Cats.  What's not to like about them?  I shall put one on my Christmas list one year!

We had a wonderful day out last Saturday when we took ourselves off to the Antiques Fair at Builth Wells.  It's about 100  mile round trip, but worth it as it is just our sort of favourite day out and we only go twice a year, when it is on.

Below is a view from the Balcony:

We didn't spend a great deal, and brought a picnic lunch from home to save on spending a chunk to eat at the Fair, as it soon adds up.

The weather kept fine all day and so we were able to have a saunter around all of the outside stalls, and also a good wander around the stands in the sheds.  The posher stands in the Halls we save till last and just window-shop as their prices are not usually within our range, lovely though some of the items for sale are.  To be honest, there is a limit to how much upmarket glass and ceramics you can take in before your eyes glaze over, regardless of how gorgeous it is.  It might be different if we were out to actually BUY a piece of it of course!

My husband was drooling over this stand as it had lots of manly swords and other weaponry.

Lots of stalls had various items of jewellery on, but that's not my thing, so I usually scoot on past.

We love good furniture and this table was one we both lusted after.  No price tag . . .

This is the best photo I could get (the lighting was good here) of all the different ceramics on offer on one stall.

For once, I bought ceramics.  I had a really good look at all the pieces of Torquay pottery on offer, and bought a lovely early piece with a relief pattern and hand-painted decoration of Cockington Forge.  The name was the only give-away as the style was soft and very old-fashioned looking.  We also bought two (damaged thus cheap) pieces of Doulton huntsman pattern stoneware which we also like - a mug and a teapot.  I'll try and remember photos tomorrow.

I think we walked miles as we went round twice, plus back to the car for our lunch and as my knee was giving me jip I had to just amble round and fortunately it held up for the day though it is back to complaining again now and having to be iced.


  1. I would enjoy visiting here and shopping. I had not seen those ceramic cats before, and they caught my fancy. Beautiful, plus I like the cameo jewelry I see.

  2. I forgot this was on, just as well as I would have been tempted...

  3. It all looks so lovely - I would be soooo tempted so I would probably just not go, so as to avoid spending!

    I love what you got, though ;-)

    Glad you are feeling a little better Jennie


  4. Would not buy the cats but love the rabbit !
    I try not to have too many things around to collect dust and then I have to dust. I live in a very dusty area ! But I do have a few bunnies here and there.
    It looks like you had a great day out. The last photo looks like somewhere I would like to look. Please post some photos of what you bought, sounds so interesting.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I liked the rabbit to but the cats were very good, lovely eyes...
    Gosh wish I lived in Wales and went to these sales, you are lucky Jennie ;)

  6. ah, winstanley cats... I have five... the largest is a big ginger Tom, the same size as my real ginger tom!! I must have got my first one around 25 years ago!

    Leanne x

  7. Leanne - envy here! What is it about ginger toms?!

    thelma - I expect if you went to local auctions, the Winstanley cats would turn up as they are fairly universal.

    parsnip - there were Winstanley (I presume) hares too on this same table. They were lovely, but I prefer the cats (for obvious reasons).

    CW - there are prices for all pockets. We just love to look round and rarely spend very much.

    Cait - the next one will be the first week or thereabouts of May next year.

    Terra - there is so much to see. These big antiques fairs are held regularly all across Britain. The one I'd like to go to is at Newark, Notts - which is meant to be mind-numbingly huge.

  8. I think I'd be the same as hubby. What is it with guys and weapons of almost any description?
