

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 7 October 2012

Torquay pottery update

Someone asked (Issy was it?) to see my latest Torquay pieces, esp. the kingfishers jar I got last weekend, so here goes . . .  You can see why I fell in love with it : )

The little green jug I got today for £2, and the other more unusual one wasthe dark blue one on the left with the Stork (or Heron) on it.  That was given to me with another piece, so I baked the lady a cake in return.

The one on the right (with the "tadpoles" around the top) is one that my husband found for me yesterday (£2 again).  Probably Edwardian.

Another £2 piece.  You may notice it isn't with the others.  That's because I have run out of room on that shelf.  Oh dear - I can see I need another shelf : ) The little green owl is an old match-holder and strike-a-light (£2 again) - not Torquay, but isn't he cute?

Back tomorrow hopefully - oh, and Theo is now wanting to meet the other cats and after I got a stroke down his back today, he then let me touch his head when he was eating and did exactly what Lucky did, all those years ago, when she had come to me, starving - he pushed his head up into my hand, as much as to say, "Oh I do like you really". . .  I'm sure ALL getting-tamed cats will do that, but I feel Lucky has sent him my way


  1. Love the continuing story of Theo. Very sweet. I think Lucky did send him to you.
    If your hand is hanging anywhere near my dogs height a head will always be flipping it waiting for a pet !

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Theo knows where he is well off! I`m so pleased that he is showing some affection so quickly.

    Your lovely collection of jugs is getting better and better. I have an old kingfisher jam pot with a blue ground. I wonder if it is Torquay as it looks quite similar to yours. I`ll have to look underneath.

  3. I was thinking today of the 'collection' of very small pitchers [creamers?] and sugar bowls [missing their lids] which I kept for years to hold roses and other small nosegays. I had to take many such things to the charity shops when we moved into this little cottage. I sternly resist bringing any more home, so I enjoy your finds vicariously.

  4. 'Twas I who hoped for images ;-) and am enjoying tremendously! (thank you thank you)

    I can see why you could not resist it and another shelf is good (more room for additional new boot finds) :-) Your collection is lovely -such color and detail and fun (owl). For myself I'd be thrilled to see more!


  5. I can see why you collect Torquay Pottery - the pieces are all lovely and the Kingfisher jar is beautiful :) Glad to hear of the progress with Theo :)

  6. Cats always know which side their bread is buttered, as my mother used to say! That Torquay pottery is so attractive - I can see why you wish to collect it.

  7. I think Theo will be a special cat ...and no ...not all 'just tamed cats' behave the same. Certainly I have found that each cat ...tame or otherwise has its own characteristic behaviour unless they are related and have inherited a trait. Love your pots, I have only seen the small 'holiday' Torquay pieces xx

  8. Lovely pottery :D and Theo is adorable. He looks to be a similar age to Finn, who is nearly 6months and due to lose his pompoms soon!!!

  9. I like that last one best. Hope the weather's better with you than here! Broadband absolutely AWFUL at the moment so can't post.....grrrr
