

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 24 November 2012

Support your local shops

A miserable Saturday out there - grey and monotone, and with the only colour seen from my window a splash of cerise from some foolhardy rambler roses who insist it is still mild enough to put out the last few flowers. The first of the promised rain has arrived and the wind will doubtless follow (strong gales predicted and torrential rain).

This morning my OH and I went to have a poke around the auction and mart at Ffairfach.  We used to go quite regularly and have had a few bargains from there in the past, but it had very little to tempt us today.  The things under cover included very undesirable pieces of mid-20th C furniture, occasional boxes of odds (only one worth bidding on as it had a couple of pieces of T G Green blue and white striped china) and private sellers of things that the largely farmer clientele might one day need including an assortment of ill-worked crochet throws which had used up oddments of utalitarian-coloured wools (think colours that don't show the dirt!).  The deadstock outside was dire - sodden pieces of wood, empty plastic feed buckets which had once contained ruminant fodder, and farm bits and pieces - didn't encourage us to linger.  The poultry were interesting - I fell in love with some Bluebells and Silver-laced Wyandottes and Sebrights have long been on my wish-list if we ever have poultry again.  My husband prefers the ducks and there were a good selection on offer.  We didn't hang around to find out what prices they were going for as it was too chill and damp.

We lingered outside only long enough to haggle for and buy an old steen (a part glazed earthenware container wider at the top than the bottom - they come in various sizes) which will go by the Hergom.

Earlier in the week we spent a couple of hours shopping in individual (as opposed to multi-national) shops in Carmarthen.  We had need of the Craft Shop (for batting for upholstery), the Market - to price foam for upholstering some chairs and to buy wool; the £1 shop in King Street (more wool for crocheting gifts), butcher (sausages) etc. We also visited the curtain shop and bought material for upholstery and another bargain which is a gift, so I daren't mention it here. We only had to resort to T*sco for cheap gin for Sloe Gin (using the big plump Fiddleford sloes from last year, which I had in the freezer) and because they had a 3 for 2 on Cod Liver Oil which my husband needed.

This afternoon may see me in the kitchen with my upholstery tools as I have four drop-in seats for Victorian balloon-backs to deal with.  Himself is watching the Rugby and our son is back for 2 nights and a day (he needs an early lift to work in the morning and no trains running from his new digs).

Right, soup-time.  Keep warm, dry and safe.


  1. There is a big new Tesco just opened here in Glastonbury, despite massive local opposition.

    We already have a small co-op, Morrisons and fabulous Whole food store and weekly market, so it just wasn't needed.

    There is a huge campaign to support our baker, butcher and green grocer to prevent them closing. Time will tell.

  2. I would hope that you have a positive balance of people who WILL continue to shop locally in Glastonbury. I know we delight in your local shops when we visit and there are plenty of visitors who hopefully do the same.

  3. We are lucky to have some good individual shops in our local small town - and I do try to use them for my 'top ups' although I do my main shop at Tesco. I suppose in an emergency it is possible to get everything one needs locally, but of course the prices are up which does rather tend to make people go further afield.

  4. The auction visit sounds like a bit of a downer--one hopes the goods on display will be interesting even if out of price range.
    We haven't much in the way of appealing shops here and are once again subjected to the local Wal Mart--which I think is the equivalent of your Tesco. The best that can be said of it: it is a 'one-stop' place for everyday items. We travel 45 min to a natural foods emporium every 2-3 months, buying flours, beans, rice,raw sugar, dried fruit and honey. Once a month we go to a big supermarket in the next county which offers one day of 10% off for retirement age folks--stocking up on pet food, such few canned goods as we buy, cleaning products.

  5. Good morning! I'm enjoying a hot cup of coffee and catching up on your blog. I would love to visit your local shops...nothing quite so interesting and quaint here.
