

Jennie's recipes

Monday 10 December 2012

December gloom

I am trying to get myself organized for Christmas, but am fast running out of time.  I shall breath a sigh of relief when I have all the cards and letters written and the last present posted . . .  I'm nearly there.

I have already had my Christmas present from my husband, as we just happened to be looking round The Works on Saturday (a remaindered mainly-books shop, for those of you not in UK).  I had been very good and stayed my hand over various craft magazines earlier - mainly because at £5 a time, they don't represent very good value for money unless there is more than one thing in them that I want to make!  So even though I keep them forever and a day, I put them back on the shelf.  Imagine my delight when I found a good book on Christmas projects for just £2.99 in The Works, and then when I was rummaging amongst the Kirstie's Homemade books, trying not to get drawn in, I found a different one on Granny Chic which I picked up.  I have to say, not all Granny Chic style appeals to me.  Some of the projects I've seen just look a mess!  However, this particular book had enough appeal and fresh ideas, and it DID have how to make a particular sort of circular cushion cover which I had just seen in the Liberty Vintage book, and at £5.99 was cheap enough, so my OH bought me Granny Chic for Christmas and I have to confess, I am enjoying it NOW and not waiting until Christmas Day!

Now that winter has really arrived (and apparently it is going to REALLY get cold this week), I finally took down the summer curtains and hung the winter ones, which I added wool linings to last year.  I have decided that the summer curtains which are Laura Ashley material, but SO faded after nearly 25 years use, need upgrading, and that I am going to use some of my fabric stash to make up patchwork "fronts" for them, so I have been looking out lengths of material to do this with, though I probably won't start until the New Year now.  I need to finish my Christmas gift crafting first . . .  But at least I have started looking out for suitable material at the Car Boot Sale and came home with a pretty cotton skirt yesterday which I am currently unpicking (takes forever!).  No point looking in Charity Shops as they only have expensive clothing on their racks - I want things which are deemed suitable for the rag bag.  I may ask in one of them . . .

Little poorly Theo is slowly mending from his nasty cold and chest infection, but had to go back to the Vet's on Friday for a long-lasting anti-biotic jab AND an anti-inflammatory for his tummy as the oral anti- biotics I was having to give him just turned him inside out, poor little chap.  The kitchen was not a pleasant place to be if you had any sense of smell and I had to cover everywhere with newspaper.  He looks brighter now and his tummy is mending too, but he's still a bit sniffly.

I really MUST try and get some Christmas baking done (and in the freezer) and I realize I have not even made any Mincemeat this year (still have some from last year though) and I really MUST get the onions pickled . . .  I am finding it hard to motivate myself though - so fed up with winter already and it's only just started.

I am thoroughly fed up with Blogger and seriously thinking of changing - probably to Wordpress.  I know it will take a big chunk of my day to get it sorted out, but bear with me.  I shall make sure I have a good link across, and bring all my favourite friends with me in the sidebar.  So - watch this space.


  1. I know how you feel - this cold weather is so draining that getting ready for Christmas has become a bit of an ordeal - because it means leaving the blazing fire to do anything.

  2. I have been enjoying catching up on your posts. I agree with you re. motivation, I should be writing a few cards and letters/wrapping presents etc but am not in the mood. I always want to hibernate at this time of year. Christmas should move to the summer or the autumn even.

  3. Isn't it depressing. At least the sun is out today but our garden gets none of it at this time of year and the lawn will remain hard and frosty for days and then turn to mush. We have coal on for the first time this year today. The gas poker is in and taking me back to childhood and my grandparents one that hissed louder than this.

    Interested to hear about Blogger. The wordpress ones that I follow seem to have a really good system so I may follow you over at some point!

  4. I will follow you where ever you go. I have a Wordpress set up also, I just have issues figuring it out. I may move after the first of the year also, if things calm down.
    I do hope Theo is feeling better, it takes a lot to take care of them and try to do festive holiday things.
    It very cold here now, -7F with a windchill of -19F. Its our first cold spell here, still no snow or rain at all, very, very dry.
    Have a wonderful week.

  5. I've been frustrated with blogger for quite some time--always some nasty issue--but I'm sure I don't have the skills to move the whole blog content somewhere else.
    I wonder why so many of us find Christmas prep tiresome and uninspiring of late years[?] Part of it, I expect, is to do with diminished energy--more, perhaps with the unrealistic expectations [whose?] that demand funds and organizing. I gave up sending cards for the most part several years ago--postage being high, even cards seeming to cost too much. I wrote 'Christmas letters' instead, but I notice that custom is dwindling within the family circle--after all, most of us catch up several times per week on Face Book.
    No decorating in this tiny house with the three busy kittens in residence--we'd merely be chasing baubles down the hallway!
    To end my little rant on a positive note: I do have some Christmas CD's which I cherish--not your average supermarket tunes. I also have one of Dylan Thomas reading 'A Child's Christmas in Wales' which I must hear at least once during the season.
    I"m glad Theo is doing better--sometimes these poor little rescued mites have so many health issues--I hope he will become truly well and thriving.

  6. Having given up on the whole holiday decorate-and-spend-a-fortune while a younger woman, I am able to abide by the warm heater, crochet cowly scarves for a few dollars each and watch the craziness. Our LED sconces circle the living room ceiling all year and function as night lights for our tiny home; the little ones gaze in wonder at Halloween !~!

    Hope your blog transfer goes well; I recently started blogging with a address; hate to admit I don't even know who administers it.
