

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 14 February 2013

We have a POLE!

Quick update.  We found the pole-men at work down on our river bank yesterday.  On our return from town, the pole was up and we are now waiting for the line-men to come and do THEIR bit.  Progress and a little bit of hope.  Being ignored all the time is SO frustrating.

T has now gone back to Sheffield, and rounds of form-filling and interviews (including for her own job as hours are being reduced and people being made redundant) and she is also house-hunting, so keep all your fingers crossed for her please.

G very happy in her new job and D is talking of returning home to live so he can save more for travelling to Oz and the Far East.  Just when we were enjoying having the house to ourselves . . . though I have to say it will be nice to have him back again and help him with his plans.

I am busy working on a crochet throw, after "inheriting" a partly-worked large granny square in white with the suitcase of material I bought recently at the car boot sale.  It is wonderfully mindless to work on in the evenings and is slowly progressing.

I have seen the first signs of spring in a Celendine (which had gone over already, so others can't be too far behind), a bank of Primroses, and the first frog-spawn in the pond (the main one, rather than the wildlife pond.)  There were also three Robins in one of the apple trees, so it looks like we shall have some battles amongst them soon.

I am looking forward to being able to write up my blog properly AND add photos again.  I am afraid I feel like I am just treading water here at present.

Thank you all for all your letters - they are keeping me going!


  1. Goodness what a long haul this has been getting you up and running again!

  2. Thank goodness for the Pole at least! Let`s hope BT can get a phone line slung across the river now.

    Good to hear your news and very best wishes to T in her job hunting.

  3. I am so jealous - you havce seen a celandine!
    Glad about the pole - hope the rest soon follows.

  4. Hooray for progress!! I often joked about my apron strings being made of elastic-instead of cutting the apron strings, my children would leave home with them attached and then come bouncing back home for a bit!

  5. Good News !
    Hope the weather gets better and the line men come soon !

    cheers, parsnip

  6. Well we all have our fingers crossed for you, Paul was telling me about a village who are paying for their own broadband and installation, which will come to about a million pounds! but at the end they OWN it.....
