

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Fox vs. cat - who won?

At teatime yesterday we had an unexpected visitor to the garden - a big dog fox - who looked like his mum had never taught him that Cleanliness was next to Godliness!  He was quite aware of us in the window, but not at all bothered.

He trotted round the garden, clambering up the water cascade and then around the edge of the pond, where he spotted . . . Miffy, the boys' mother, who had also spotted him and was cwtched behind a big planter, with her tail like a bottle brush . . .  We watched the scene unfold . . .

Hearts in mouths, we watched the fox get closer and then Miffy decided she had had enough of THIS and flew at him, and he scarpered - only to the back of the apple tree, and both parties considered their next move . . .

He decided that perhaps he would leave iffy in peace - thank heavens.  It was interesting to see their reactions.  He wasn't really bothered by her, but respectful enough perhaps to know that cats have claws.

Sorry for the quality of the photos, but in my excitement, I had knocked the camera setting onto Portrait, which isn't much good for getting close-ups long-distance!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great photos! I was struck at how well the fox looks, often they are quite tatty and thin.
    You might like this post by my blog friend Paula, where a fox comes head to head with a young buck.

  3. I thought the photos where wonderful.
    I love Miffy, she wasn't going to take any garbage from anyone.
    I see lots of wild animals where I live but so far no foxes.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. Lovely to see a fox. It's VERY pro hunt round here so I tend to keep quiet a bout any sightings!

  5. What good luck that you had your camera to hand. Your fox is very handsome and does look well. Miffy is obviously in charge though, which is as it should be!

  6. I was lucky DW - as it was on the sideboard (normally up here in my office, as it is tonight). Miffy is . . . quite a character, and despite only having one eye, she rules the roost outside, but is very loving towards everyone.

    Em - it's not so much the mounted hunts which reduce the fox population locally, but the various foot hunts, who come through with 2 couple of hounds and lots of weasley-looking little men with shotguns. Hounds from one of these foot packs killed a fox on the A40 recently, causing great uproar as it was in full view of a bus-full of people . . .

    Parsnip - for 2 years she wouldn't let me touch her, but finally I got her confidence, using the schooling whip end (which has a little tickly tassle). I stroked her with that, from a distance, when she was eating, and gradually de-sensitized her. A sort of Monty Roberts Cat-Training Technique!

    Kath - plenty for them to eat round here, what with all the rabbits and the left-over birds from the Shoot next door. Plus one occasionally sees a dead sheep or even calf carcase on certain people's farms in this part of Wales. The knacker-man isn't always as prompt as one would wish him to be. Loved your friend's photos. You would think it ended up the other way round wouldn't you?
