

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 24 July 2013

It's finished

There we are - my first attempt at the rolled rag seagrass stool.  There's a couple of ra-ra skirts went into that one, and some cotton curtain remnants from the curtain shop in town . . .  I gradually got a lot more adept at covering the seagrass in fabric strips, with pins and Copydex to hand!  I have another stool to do as well as a vintage child's high chair.

On Monday, I made a start on clearing the island bed in the yard.

I also got quite a bit of clearing up down on what was my mum's little patio.  I cut the rambler rose back to a more managable size, cleared all the rubble, swept up and cut limp leaves off spent plants.

The rubble mountain that was in the centre of the yard - NOT a good selling point!

A welcome sight . . .

We are slowly getting there.  We had rain last night, which has really freshened things up so I am off out to work in another overgrown part of the garden and also to clear more rubble from wall-bases.  We got my wanting-to-grow Clematis montana rubens planted yesterday.  Growing up the yard side of the house, and replacing the yellow winter flowering one which was murdered when the building work was done.

I took photos as I went along yesterday, so will try and do a how-to post on the little stool.


  1. It sounds as if you've got a busy few months ahead. I think the stool looks really pretty. Jx

  2. Thanks Jan. The stool in the book I have seems to have a change of material every round, and they have obviously spent a lot of money getting colour co-ordinated fabrics . . . Unlike me! Next one I shan't change the fabric so obviously for the filling in bit in the middle but that's what I had already cut.

  3. Love it. Very impressive....unlike the rubble! Let's hope you don't get a viewing imminently. Any news in that department by the way???

  4. very smart! I was looking forward to seeing the finished stool. I shall read your "how-to" with interest.

  5. Very good indeed BB for your first effort. Don't overdo the physical work!

  6. Love the stool, but as Weaver of Grass says don't overdue the heavy work!!

  7. Thank you for your kind comments. I have others planned, but know a bit more what I'm doing with it! You will be glad to hear that every now and then I retire to my lounger in the shade, with a good book.

  8. Watching you clear your garden beds reminds me that the same must occur here in the not-too-distant future. Some lovely greenery you have going there. And that stool-so clever; the design I like as well.
