

Jennie's recipes

Monday 19 August 2013

One of those Baldrick moments . . .

. . . in that we have a Cunning Plan afoot!

A neighbour came up last week, who hadn't seen inside our house since the renovations began, some 17 years back.  I showed her round, and she was amazed by it, and very enthusiastic, and - having worked for an Estate Agent's in the past - said she felt it deserved a Bigger Billing than it had.  I had been advocating using a more up-market estate agent for quite a while now, but banging my head against a brick wall as far as my husband was concerned.  Anyway, he finally listened to our friend, and so we are now frantically tidying up and putting the last dabs of paint about the place (guess who wields the paintbrush in our house?!)

We are off for 3 days this week, down to the West Country, where we will be viewing a couple of properties - one in Somerset, one in North Devon and if I can arrange it today, one in the South Hams - in fact, in the very village my Devon gran's family have their roots back to antiquity.

As soon as we are back, I shall be Making a Phone Call . . .

Well, we have enjoyed the last part of The White Queen (the entire series was brilliant), and although I knew the story already, it was well worth watching.  I will add that I feel a VERY special affinity with this period of history, as OUR house, Ynyswen, sent Welshmen to support the cause of Henry Tudor.  They WEREN'T short of Carmarthenshire men, of that I am sure, as the Dynevor Lord, Rhys ap Grufydd, gathered his loyal men from the Towy Valley and marched off to support Henry Tudor.  As a consequence, the incumbant of our house at that time - Gwilym ap John, was made Essquire to the Body of Henry VII . . .  A good selling point for our house, yes? 


  1. (guess who wields the paintbrush in our house?!)

    yep, me too!

    How interesting that you have some history attached to your house, I'm sure people will love that.

  2. A good selling point indeed BB. According to the news house sales are suddenly rocketing, so now seems the best time to jump in at the deep end with that upmarket agency.
    Wielding a paintbrush? What's that? For the last year or two nobody has wielded one in our house and I have to say it shows.

  3. I still think you should come and have a look at the one next to us! Will discuss.....Definitely a good idea to go up market.
