

Jennie's recipes

Friday 2 August 2013

The road to Hay-on-Wye

As our daughter is here with us for a week, we had our usual pilgrimage to Hay-on-Wye yesterday.  The weather at home was cool and threatening rain.  Apparently at Hay, it was going to be 27 degrees.  Hmmph I thought, is it?, and put one of my smarter cotton tops on and lightweight trousers.  It was not my best decision of the day . . .  Here is the road to Hay, between Sennybridge and Brecon, and with Pen-y-Fan in the distance.

A close up of the foothills to the left in the previous photo.

The Rosebay Willowherb is beautiful right now - swathes of it across the countryside.

Countryside just outside Brecon.

A very misty Hay Bluff in the distance.

Clouds lifted, but the sun went behind them . . .

We arrived!  And boy, was it HOT!  27 degrees.  Yup . . .  And I had dressed far too warmly . . .

More later.  Thank you all for your kind words about Stella.


  1. Lovely photos, especially the last one, it would make a gorgeous postcard.

  2. Isn't it always the way of it - overdressed, or underdressed! I now keep a 'dog-walking jacket' in the car for the winter months, and in summer I wrap a light tee-shirt inside it. That way I sometimes win!

    I was sorry to hear of Stella's demise, but you can take comfort in opening your kind home for her.
