

Jennie's recipes

Monday 9 September 2013

Life returns to normal

After the excitement of Saturday's big Antiques Fair at Builth, Sunday was a bit of a quiet affair.  I was still feeling very tired, and rain prevented us doing a car boot sale, although we did look around the local one, and I came home with an elderly but good English saddle.  As you do!  It cost me all of £6!

I am still trying to get on top of the things which MUST be done before we can call out a new estate agent, but as I have a cold or something, and have been aching and tired, only minimal jobs have been done, but a step has been made in the right direction regarding finding homes for things, and sorting out what can GO!

Here are some bits of material which are STAYING, as I bought them at Builth on Saturday, for £2 for the 4 pieces.  I have wanted to sit down and sew all summer, but life keeps getting in the way.  I seem to be doing all the things now, which didn't get done when I was ill in the spring.  Ah well, sooner or later we will arrive. I have much to be grateful for this summer. including some very positive things for our children.  Sooner or later, someone will fall in love with our house - or at least, I hope so.

A few left-over photos from the weekend.  Here is the view from the car park at Builth - which is girdled with hills.

On the way home . . .

The hills near the Powys border with Carmarthenshire.

Lastly, looping round the Z-bends of the Sugarloaf.


  1. Methinks we set ourselves impossible 'to do' lists and feel frustrated when we can't get through it all.
    Always tasks left to 'seed' a new list!

  2. What a beautiful area you live in.
    I usually save projects to do inside during our extremely hot summers. But this year like you, life got in the way and many projects I had planned didn't get started.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. MM - how right you are. I just can't seem to make progress in the "outer" aspect of how the house is looking indoors, but the contents of cupboards and cists have altered beyond recognition! We have "too much stuff", and moving house with what we currently possess would be a nightmare, so I am hardening my heart . . . But you're right, a new list has been seeded and is just appearing above the soil . . .

    parsnip - in some ways I am looking forward to when the weather keeps us inside, as then I can sew without feeling guilty. Since I have two quilts to make before Christmas, a mild panic is setting in . . .

  4. £6.00 for a saddle! Amazing bargain. Lovely to see your pictures of the hills, and as for to do lists, I make a new one every day. I have a big one with major house stuff on too, but we never seem to get round to that stuff!

  5. Of course someone will fall in love with your house one day - remember that you did. Lovely photographs.

  6. Lovely countryside - think we got better weather than you did last weekend. Hope you've recovered from all your hallucinating:)

  7. Do so envy you those marvellous fairs, Builth Wells looks pretty exotique. And of course you will sell your beautiful house one day ;)

  8. Em - It's probably a 1970s vintage saddle, but just needed a good clean-up. I got some BIG TICKS down on my to-do list today.

    Weaver - ah yes, but we had rose-tinted spectacles! Gosh, it was in a state - half derelict in fact.

    Rowan - The weather was good on Saturday, but Sunday got wetter and wetter.

    thelma - Builth is a great fair. We are off to sample Malvern when Tam is down at the end of the month. We are about to Change Agents!
