

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 26 October 2013

Wild Weather on the Way

Autumn is well and truly with us now.  These fronds of bracken have been turning colour this past week, and on the bottom road there is more which is now daffodil-yellow in hue.  We have had a very wet week - rain every day, some of it incredibly heavy - so much so that when we have been driving we have chosen to pull off the road and wait for it to ease a little.  Monsoon rain, my husband tells me, and you get heavy rain like this with a warm front from the South-West. 

Needless to say, our river soon rose in spate - 4 feet in as many hourse - and soon covered the rocks on the bend by the caravan.  These pictures were taken on Tuesday.

Beneath the bridge, a tree with Y-shaped branches had already snagged up and was catching more debris as it passed.

Above and below, I was trying to show how choppy the water was - rearing white horses as it passed over rocks and pretty fast too - about 15 knots according to my husband.

The beach leaves are turning to Werther's Originals and Christmas Gold Coins overnight now.

This was the best choppy picture, unfortunately focus was on the leaves rather than the waves!

I am hoping that this short video from my camera shows you a little bit of the force and speed of the river.

Now we are waiting for the promised hurricane tomorrow night, and battening down the hatches here.  Keep safe everyone.


  1. The weather forecast is pretty grim Isn't it? Hope you come through safely and that the river behaves itself.

  2. wow you can see how people get into trouble and get swept away. We're battened down here in Somerset, stocked up with wine and logs - ready for the worst!

  3. Been out today moving anything which could get blown around, into safety. Also prepped the generator etc!

    Keep safe!

  4. Yes keep safe, it is going to be worse over your side of the country, like Kath's bottle of wine and logs to meet the deluge hope she has remembered the candles as well..

  5. The wind is terrible here already but the rain has stopped for an hour or so! I wouldn't fancy falling into that river. Very relieved your cards have arrived safely. x

  6. Summer plastic greenhouse now totally dismantled and put away (we took the cover off yesterday). Anything airworthy also put away and drains by the stables cleared for water run-off. Guttering by mum's kitchen was cleared two days ago. We have lots of candles and lamps and plenty of wood for the wood-burner. A bottle of goodred and lots of home-brew wine, only I am not allowed to touch it because of the a-b's I'm on . . . Plenty of good books to read too - thousands in fact!

    Keep safe everyone, and let's hope they have exaggerated, as they often do.
