

Jennie's recipes

Friday 22 November 2013

November walk

We had some sunshine yesterday and so I set out for a walk along the valley bottom.  The trees are finally changing colour and losing their leaves.  Here, the little Larch plantation across the valley has turned to the colour of Lucozade.

The river has gone back to fairly normal levels again for this time of year.

Autumn colour on the beech trees on the riverbank.

Past the mill . . .

And down the lane after the junction.

Sunlight on a riverbank tree.

Looking across our neighbour's riverside fields.

The view up the pretty lane heading homewords.

The view through the trees.

Our beautiful river valley.

I even made it up our steep hill with just one stop, so fingers crossed.  Keep taking the tablets and all that!

Off to view an auction today, and a quick visit to the patchwork shop to see if the fabric I need is back in stock.


  1. So pleased to hear you're out walking and what a beautiful route too.Your river is just gorgeous. Good luck at the auction. Talking of auctions, I got nearly £75 for my riding coat! Unbelievable. That's Christmas presents for friends and non-immediate family paid for.

    I ended up on a cross stitch web site today which left me inspired to actually do some. Puppies and kittens and realism seem, thankfully to have gone out of the window since the 1970's! I wonder if you know it.... xx

  2. Your header picture is lovely, thanks for the walk through your lovely area. Lovely photos as always, I look forward to seeing what you purchase at the quilting shop....
    Happy stitching, stay snug, Elizabeth

  3. There is always a bit of melancholy for me when the last of the leaves drift down from the trees, but what lovely lines of tree branches and twigs are then outlined against the sky.

  4. What a beautiful place you live in BB.

  5. I love the images of view through the trees and the river valley is so beautiful. I do like Wales but it seems to be a little too wet for hubby, but then that's what makes it so green and lush. I have been meaning to stop by and take a look at you blog for ages!

  6. Hi Suzie, thanks for visiting. You and quite right in surmising how wet it is in Wales! It's lovely when the sun's out though : )

    Pat - It IS really beautiful along our valley. That view seduced us when we viewed one September day (it was raining!) back in 1987 . . .

    Sharon - Our leaf-fall is late this year - as far behind as spring was I think. The larches have only just changed colour, which is very late for them. Seeing a tree's "bare bones" is one of the benefits of winter, when you see that lovely tracery against a lighter sky.

    Elizabeth - I bought more at the quilting shop than I dare show, as my daughters view my blog sometimes, and the material is for their quilts. Suffice to say, a couple more purple prints to add to the mix.

  7. You live in the most beautiful place. Your walk was lovely !
    So so very different from where I live. Even though I live in a green desert.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. A beautiful walk! XAnnie

  9. Such lovely autumnal photographs - you do live in a beautiful spot :)

    Have enjoyed looking at the embroidery and crocheting etc. in recent posts. My mum has a sideboard full of tablecloths, trayclothes, serviettes etc. embroidered by her and my grandmothers. So much work goes into such lovely items :)

  10. Surrounded by such loveliness and verdant beauty must be just ducky; constant color changing, river rising and falling with the seasonal changes, the constant flux of growth, death and rebirth of nature's reality so close at hand. It's truly magical looking, BB, I'm grateful for the pictorial tour of Autumn in your valley. Many thanks.

  11. Thank you so much for showing me your part of world- our country is so lovely and varied. I live in Sussex and love it here!

  12. Aril - hello and welcome. Sussex is lovely too - and drier than Wales : )

    Lynda - glad you enjoyed the scenery. The river is never the same two days running, and is one of the things which impressed us when we first came to view the house.

    R. Robin - I fear when my kids come to have a clear-out of my "stuff" when I shuffle off this mortal coil, they will shake their heads in despair . . . I am horrified to admit to two whole trunks of wool alone . . .

    annie - it is indeed the most lovely walk. Only one drawback - climbing back up our steep hill.

    parsnip - a green desert is better than somewhere completely arid.
