

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 29 December 2013

It's all over . . .

. . . bar the taking down of the decorations.

Here are a few photos in memory of the occasion.

The Christmas Eve walk up to Paxton's Tower, overlooking the flooding in the Towy Valley.

A wet and sombre view, downstream . . .

. . . and upstream.

Home-made Arctic roll, with sieved home-made Raspberry Jam.  Divine.

Home-made chocolate roulade - a Christmas tradition.  Traditon has it that breakfast on Boxing Day is a slice of this with Raspberry couli . . .

The finished Christmas wall-hanging, everything hand-stitched in the end.  The central panel got a bit too wrinkled for my liking, but I was sewing it on my lap, without an embroidery hoop (couldn't find my big one), so it is what it is.

Close up of one of the panels.

My three lovely children, who - just this once - I shall name: Danny, Tamzin and Gabby.  Next Christmas will be different as Danny is off to Australia for a year to work, with his best friend from school days, Joe, and then they are intent on travelling the Far East, so Christmas for them will be a BBQ on the beach!

I am hoping that my husband and I will be living in an easy-to-warm cottage somewhere in the Welsh Marches.  We shall have to see what 2014 brings.

In the meantime, thank you for all being such good blogging friends and visitors.


  1. Best wishes for a good move in 2014. Like the look of those roulades.

  2. It sounds like a wonderful Christmas - love the roulades and your Christmas Wall Hanging is just beautiful :)

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year and I do hope you manage to move.

  3. Must look up Arctic Roll. Is that cream in the middle ?
    Best wishes for your move in 2014 so you can be in a warmer new home next Christmas. But not near a flood plain.
    Love Paxton's Tower, is it part of a castle ? must look that up now too !
    Don't know why I keep missing your post. Looks like you have a wonderful Christmas.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. Lovely to see your three young ones at home together! I hope that D has a wonderful year travelling and that everything goes well for the girls too.

    Most of all, GOOD LUCK with selling the farmhouse and finding your perfect new home!

  5. Just love your hanging ... and the roulade .. to die for!
    Lets hope this year brings all that we hope for.

  6. I hope your new year is full of wonderful things! Thank you for sharing with us!

  7. May 2014 bring that longed-for move to a smaller place. So sweet to see all three kids together... Happy New Year, Bovey Belle.

  8. Your cakes look delicious and your Christmas wall hanging is very pretty. I hope you get your move next year.
