

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 5 December 2013

Will the real Jamie Fraser please stand up . . .

Looking across the autumnal countryside of Strathtay near Aberfeldy


I don't know how many of you reading this are fans of the Diana Gabaldon novels featuring Jamie Fraser and Claire Randall, but I have to say, if I was stuck on the famous Desert island, this complete series would have to be with me (along with the complete works of Thomas Hardy, just to keep me grounded about love!)

Anyway, the first of her novels "Outlander" in the States, but it was published in the UK as "Cross Stitch", is currently being filmed and if you want to know what young Jamie looks like, follow this link.  If you think it will be a spoiler, look away . . .   HERE   I think he'll do . . .

If you want some more smidgens from Youtube, this is your lucky day.  Lock yourself somewhere quiet with your laptop and imagine yourself as Claire . . .  HERE

There are LOTS more links there - I think there were lots of contenders for Jamie and Claire, but I really DO NOT think that Rachel Weiss was EVER right for Claire - I would be expecting scarab beetles hiding behind every rock!!!  

If you have never read the books, then you could be in for a treat.  This is copied from

In 1946, after WWII, a young Englishwoman named Claire Beauchamp Randall goes to the Scottish Highlands with her husband, Frank. She’s an ex-combat nurse, he’s been in the army as well, they’ve been separated for the last six years, and this is a second honeymoon; they’re getting re-acquainted with each other, thinking of starting a family. But one day Claire goes out walking by herself, and comes across a circle of standing stones—such circles are in fact common all over northern Britain.  She walks through a cleft stone in the circle….and disappears. Back into 1743, where the first person she meets is a gentleman in an 18th-century army officer’s uniform. This gentleman, Jack Randall, looks just like her husband Frank—and proves to be Frank’s six-times-great-grandfather. Unfortunately, he also proves to be a sadistic bisexual pervert, and while trying to escape from him, Claire falls into the hands of a gang of Highland Scots, who are also trying to get away from Black Jack Randall—though for other reasons.

In order to avoid being handed over to Captain Randall, Claire is obliged to marry one of the young clansmen. So she finds herself trying to escape from Castle Leoch and her Scottish captors, trying to get back to her husband Frank, trying to avoid being recaptured by Captain Randall—and falling in love with Jamie Fraser, the young man she’s been forced to marry. The story rolls on from there…

Many millions of fans think it is the greatest (love) story ever written and wish they had a Jamie all of their own! . . .

Looking across the autumnal countryside of Strathtay near Aberfeldy

Photograph copied from Images of Perthshire, on the wonderful VisitScotland website


  1. I clicked on the link and that actor is a fabulous choice to play Jamie. I read Outlander many years ago, and didn't read any of the next books, maybe I will read the second book now.

  2. I have re-read the series several times. There are times when I feel that a particular character [such as the Chinaman in Voyager] is a distraction, but Diana Gabaldon has a marvelous [and mischievous] grasp of the interactions in a long relationship. Her vocabulary and historical research place these books way above any 'romance' genre.
    I also have the abridged audio books--excellent for long hours of quilt making!

  3. I think I need to put Outlander on my reading list!

  4. HUGE DG fan here :) and have all her books - and has just got the latest "Virgins" novella on my tablet and have just read it in one sitting :)

    Cant wait for MOBY :)

  5. I have never read a Diana Gabaldon novel, however, this one sounds perfect so I'm adding it to my wish list or pile to read books which is growing faster than I can read them these days. Thanks for the excert. Happy reading.

  6. I read the first three in the series and really enjoyed them. You've reminded me how good the stories are. Think I'll have to re-read the first few and then finish the series :) The actor looks an excellent choice for Jamie :)

  7. I'd never heard of them but have just ordered one of those 1p used copies on Amazon on the strength of your recommendation - thanks Jennie! x

  8. Oh Em, you won't be doing a THING in the run up to Christmas now!!!

    Ragged Robin - they went a little "off" when she got to America, but I have read them all and some of the Lord John spinoff ones. The first book is the best though!

    Elizabeth & DW - I hope you enjoy the series too.

    Terra - hope you carry on with the rest of the series.

    MM - I am very tempted to read Cross Stitch (Outlander) all over again, but have such a big pile of other books to read (both upstairs and downstairs) I had better not get started.

    Compostwoman - June will soon be here . . .

  9. I've been following the news of the filming and I can't wait to see the series. The actor picked for Jamie wasn't what I'd pictured, but I read where Diane Galbadon watched his audition tapes and said that he absolutely nailed Jamie, so I'm hopeful.

  10. Wow, you have made my day (first time poster on here), I love the series of books and am eagerly awaiting the new one, but I never knew they were doing a film, this is one to see with my mum as she introduced me to the books years ago. Weirdly I was only thinking the other day that I need to read the books again as there is so much content it's hard to remember it all, wonder how that will come across in the film, the characters they have picked fit the image I had in my head of them both only of course if the actor of Jamie has red hair! difficult to see, Thankyou, for that great piece of news.

  11. MacnJanet - well, if he is what she had in mind, he'll pass muster. I think I remember her saying that her original inspiration came from Dr Who and Frazer Hines who was playing a Jacobite rebel time-traveller?

    rosieposie - WELCOME! Glad I've made your day. It perked me up no end, I can tell you, to find there was a film (tv or otherwise) in the offing! I think there will be a lot of fans watching it.

  12. Wow that's a great story-I think I'll have a read! Reading Far from the madding crowd right now-haven't read it for years.

  13. 1st visit here and I have enjoyed reading your blog. My daughter told me about this series a few years ago and we can hardly wait for each new book. I am really looking forward to seeing the movie.
