

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year

 A reminder that summer DOES eventually arrive . . .

Well, the start of 2014 in Carmarthenshire is accompanied by gales and very heavy rain, which seem to have become a regular weather feature in the past couple of weeks.

I have started the day in the usual way - feeding the cats, changing the litter tray, checking there is still food in the bird feeders.  I poured myself a cup of Earl Grey, filling the tall stoneware milk jug, with its glazed interior the colour of a good bay horse.  I remember buying it from a charity shop in Ringwood, which brings back a whole raft of memories rippling out.

I have just one resolution this year, and that is to try and fight my chest infection by improving my immune system, and have some expensive immune system pills, and am using a wide spectrum of vegetables to support it on the food front.  I'm just off to make some chicken and watercress soup, using the frozen stock from the Christmas chicken, and shreds of meat thereof, and the superfood watercress added at the last minute so as not to kill too many of its benefits.

The summery photo of the Towy valley is to remind me that there WILL be a summer this year, hopefully with some sunshine, and I desperately needed an alternative to the monochrome winter hues outside.

I hope that 2014 brings all of us health and happiness.


  1. Happy New Year... It's pelting down with rain in Worcester too! Jx

  2. Wishing you a very Happy and Healthy New Year. I do so hope your tablets and new diet bring health benefits and wish you all the luck in the world with selling your house.

  3. I can`t better Ragged Robin`s good wishes for you!

    Wishing you health, sunshine and a happy new home for 2014.xx

  4. Happy new year J, thanks for a great year of blogging. May 2014 bring you all good things xx

  5. Beautiful header photo.
    As one with a destroyed immune system and all that goes with it, I understand.
    I wish you a wonderful New Year and a new home in a sunnier and warmer place.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. Onwards and upwards ... get eating all the good things.
    I find Manuka honey works well .. and lots a garlic ( chopped up garlic steeped in honey ... a teaspoon three times a day .. in hotwater if you like)... and elderberries are supposed to have anti viral properties.
    Hope you are feeling better soon.

  7. Beautiful header.

    Happy New Year

  8. Welcome Coffee Lady. It's the view from the top of our hill (but on a zoom lens). Happy new year to you too.

    Vicky - gosh, my husband will love me. I eat lots of garlic already, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. I know the Manuka honey is good, but v. expensive. Still, if it works . . . I have some dried elderberries to use in hot teas too.

    parsnip - I didn't know that your immune system was all to pot too. I could do with a holiday somewhere hot to boost me, but I can't see that happening. Let's hope the sun is out when my daughter and I go to Florence in March (now you can see why I am so desperate to get better).

    Kath, DW, R. Robin and Jan - thankyou, and let's hope that 2014 is a good year for all of us.

  9. Happy New Year and hopefully a revived and refreshed healthy one. Terrible weather here yesterday, horizontal wind and rain all day long, today was sunny and now its a gale out there again.....will do the same as you find a nice summer photo and cheer myself up!

  10. Oh my BB I indeed hope your health takes an upward turn this year and you are able to enjoy some of your hobbies and pursuits. Happy New Year, we were asleep long before ten !~!

  11. Happy New Year Jennie, let us all drink to another year of blogging our thoughts on line though not sure with all this healthy eating alcohol is allowed;) xxx
