

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Confidence returns . . .

This photo is to remind me that the wheel is turning, and summer WILL be with us later this year - if only we can stay afloat in the meantime!

Today I have had not one, but TWO very gentle walks.  The first, between showers, was mostly on the flat with just a little short hill, up the valley, for just ten minutes.  I felt grand after that.  Then my husband suggested a stroll down the hill to the bridge and as he knew that I was worried about getting up our long steep hill, he would pick me up in the car.  So that's what we did.  Then he said he would have a short run along by the river, so I wasted time by walking up towards the Chapel, and spotted some Lords and Ladies just poking their leaves through the soil, and then I noticed the first Cow Parsley flowers were coming out!  I've seen plenty of leaves on the banks hereabouts, but this had suddenly shot up into a plant and to see those little white dots of flowers unfolding really lifted my spirits.

I wandered round the corner,  and the sun was shining so brightly on the steep banks of Allt cwm Perrott, highlighting a Buzzard that swooped overhead on fixed wings.  I began to very slowly climb our hill, having realized that this was what my husband had plotted - he would hang back and prove to me that I WAS able to get up the hill.  My confidence was at rock bottom, and I had needed a little push. But I made it - very slowly, because I didn't want to overtax my extremely unfit lungs - but I did it, and with no real distress either.  Now I am on SUCH a high : )

I have just been relisting things for sale on eBay, and feel more motivated to do things again.  Danny's room next . . .

My healing session, I hear you ask.  Ah yes, that went very well and I feel it helped me.  I had crystal healing and another form of healing which also helped.  I am open minded - there are more things on this earth we have forgotten than we can ever begin to understand again and never underestimate the power of the mind.  There was only an upside to it - it either helped or if it didn't, it wouldn't make me worse.

Now the sun is out and the birds are singing and I may, just may, try to trim a few dead flower stalks in the Herb Garden, but stopping the very MOMENT I get any twinge from the Pleurisy, which I am hoping is also 95 parts mended now.  Thank you all for your comments and support, which have helped immensely in recent weeks when I had begun to feel perhaps I wasn't going to get better without a week in a Hospital bed hooked up to intravenous drips - or worse!


  1. So glad you're better! Sounds like you had a beautiful day for your walks. Spring will soon be here-I'm ready!

  2. Good to hear that you are out and about.

  3. hey well done you! I hope you go from strength to strength. I had some good results with Reki years ago, maybe it's time for me to try again...

  4. You sound SO much more positive today!

    Few traces of coming spring here, so it is heartening to know that green shoots are appearing in the Welsh hills.

  5. So pleased you have really achieved that first step. I expect the sunshine helped too. Hope you can keep it up.

  6. I am so happy to hear you went on your walks and are feeling more positive.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. Well done that Girl! x Keep the positive vibes going ...x

  8. So glad you are feeling better :)

  9. I'm so glad you're feeling better and more confident and positive :) Lovely to read of signs of Lords and Ladies and Cow Parsley - just the thing to lift the spirits :)

  10. Lovely to see the pretty roses to remind us that we may see summer...I say that because these storms are just terrible and I feel like there'll be nothing left of my garden....anyway...that's not positive is it. So I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better.

  11. Well all, I shall update properly tomorrow, but it looks like I'm on the mend and can come off the steroids, which is good. And I can start exercising again, even better.

    Thank you all SO much for your kind words and support, whilst I've been moaning and moaning and feeling sorry for myself.
