

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Local flooding

We had to pop across to Ammanford yesterday afternoon, after we'd viewed the auction in town and I took a few photos on the way. This one is the view across the Towy at Dryslwyn Castle, where it regularly takes to the flood plain (remember recent photos?)

Our river in spate - it was a couple of feet lower than it had been earlier in the day.

It's been worse than this on a lot of occasions in the past.

From my favourite vantage point on the bottom lane.

Looking across the Towy valley from a hilltop . . .

From Dryslwyn Castle car park.

The watery setting sun made for atmosphere.

Looking downstream towards Carmarthen.

Black Mountain is already snow-covered, and of course the Brecon Beacons generally are under a good covering.  If the weather abates sufficiently for us to go to the big Fleamarket at Malvern on Sunday, I shall take photos when we get to Brecon . . .

Dryslywn Castle watches impassively - a scene it has seen hundreds of times before . . .

One of my favourite photos - the sun was being very obliging!

So, if all goes very quiet here, you will know we are waiting for BT to restore our line . . . AGAIN!  Let's hope this hurricane they have promised us side-steps our bit of West Wales, but looking out of the window I have my reservations . . .

Keep safe everyone.


  1. Great pictures- lovely to see the Brecons and the Black Mountains, a part of the world I used to know relatively well but haven't seen for a while. Also snow! Haven't seen any of that yet this winter. Hope you'll be OK in the storm. Water, water everywhere.....

  2. Given the way it is here I would not count on the trip to Malvern at the weekend...lots of flooding around here.

  3. A very appealing set of photos. I am very drawn to the etching of bare tree branches against a stark sky. Not sure what that might reveal about my personality.
    I would love to walk your lane.

  4. Lovely photos.
    The flood your having is what America is having in snow, ice and rain.
    The weather is so bad everywhere. We have no winter yet and that means our drought will go on and on and on.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I was wondering how you were going on with the winds last night, hope you survived unscathed. We only caught the lower edge of it here and as with the rain we've escaped the worst. Most of the weather seems to be going either north or south of us. Bit concerned about our place near Blackpool though, Steve is going over there today so at least we'll know what the state of play is quite quickly. Take care.

  6. I am wondering how you all are in Wales after yesterdays terrible storm-it was terrible here for about 4 or 5 hours and then stopped. Love these watery images.

  7. Some lovely photos - I love your new header photo by the way.

    I do hope conditions weren't too bad for you yesterday and you've escaped unscathed. Stay safe.

  8. Just popping in to say we are fine. It was blowing a hoolley and a half, that's for sure - trees bending almost double. One casualty - an old Hawthorn along the bottom fence line of our top field, which means we balance getting some firewood against the cost of mending the post and rail fencing!

    I hope everyone else has survived the weather, wherever you are.

    CW - thanks for that - we may go in the Motorway route then rather than our usual cross-country route. Just off to check out where's flooded . . .
