

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Sante Croce, Florence

This is Sante Croce church in Florence:

"Santa Croce, rebuilt for the Franciscan order in 1294 by Arnolfo di Cambio, is the burial place for the great and good in Florence. Michelangelo is buried in Santa Croce, as are Rossini,Machiavelli, and the Pisan-born Galileo Galilei, who was tried by the Inquisition and was not allowed a Christian burial until 1737, 95 years after his death. There is also a memorial to Dante, but his sarcophagus is empty." 

The great and the good were indeed buried here . . .

Here is the beautiful tomb of Galileo.

Tomb of A Gino Caponi.  That surname rings a bit of a bell . . .

View down the church.

Dante's tomb (although the sarcophagus is empty).  I believe he is buried in Ravenna.

Above, and the next few photos - everything was designed and exactingly made to the Glory of God.

These stained glass roundels reminded me of the kaleidoscopes of my childhood.

A marble effigy has been worn down by hundreds of years of passing feet.

Above and below: we had seen artwork of this calibre and age in the Accademia (where the magnificent statue of David is housed), but one can better appreciate it when it is in its proper setting.  I think it is safe to say that the wealth of the Catholic church supported the artists and artisans throughout the century and has given them immortality . . .

My beautiful daughter, who treated me to this holiday.  My family is good to me.


  1. I love the richness of the colours in your photos but my absolute favourite is the worn effigy. Anything like that which puts us in touch with our ancestors makes my spine tingle! Bit of a history addict here!

  2. What a lovely church and the stained glass windows are just beautiful. The round ones remind me of kaleidoscopes too :)

  3. Aril - there were several of those marble effigies on the floor. Past church hierarachy I guess. Another history addict here too!

    R/Robin - it was a beautiful church. It was badly affected in the floods of 1966 apparently.

  4. It's been lovely looking at all your photos of Florence, brings back memories of a great holiday that Juliette and I had there a few years ago. It's a beautiful city with a wonderful atmosphere. What a shame you weren't able to enjoy the food though.
