

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 3 June 2014

A day in the kitchen and photos from Tenby last week

I was in a baking mood today.  I had to make some goodies for tomorrow, when we have friends round for coffee and cake, and I made some savouries as well.  Here was my tea tonight (and the rest will be frozen in portions) - it's a Spicy Choritzo Sausage and Purple Sprouting Broccoli pizza.  Scrummy!

Mincemeat Cake made with some of my home-made mincemeat - it smelt DIVINE when it was baking - and as you can see, I tasted some for quality control . . .

Parmesan rolls.

Lastly, what I started off with - plain oat biscuits with sunflower seeds in, to go with cheese tomorrow for those inclined (my OH for starters).

I ran out of energy last night and left a couple of photos from Tenby out, which is where we went on to from Manorbier, which is just along the coast.  Here was a Brittany Cob type of horse who gave carriage tours around the town.  He was quite a chunky chap, as you can see.  We debated was he Welsh Cob crossed with a Belgian draft horse?

A little narrow lane past the pub, down to the Tudor Merchant's House and the adjacent teeny-tiny bookshop, which has always been stuffed with books.  Unfortunately, it is so stuffed with books now you can't really go any further than about a footfall in, and you have to be a size 10 and under to get that far!  I think he needs a clearout . . .

I love the colourful houses in Tenby.  The bright turquoise is a recent repaint I think . . .

The answer to a Seagull's prayer . . .

We found that the island was open to visitors, in advance of being open properly in the summer, and that the admission charge of £2 a head was to go towards renovation of the buildings.  However, We thought £6 for us three could be better spent and we had ice creams instead!

Now THAT'S what you call a rock garden . . .

Looking across to Caldey island,  inhabited by about 40 residents, and also by Cistercian Monks.  I would love to go there before we eventually leave Wales.  It is one of the Holy Islands of Britain.

A pretty corner for wildlife - insects anyway.

We began our slow walk back to the car.

One of the gateways through the town walls.

Once last look at the beach - there were some very ambitious sandcastles that day . . .


  1. Wonderful photos. I love the horse .
    Your Tea will be fabulous, the Mincemeat cake sound yummy,
    Must try to make one.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. I love Tenby - but that pizza has completely bowled me over - wish I was coming to lunch.

  3. Love the sound of the mincemeat cake have you done the recipe on a post? We went to Caldy Island when we holidayed in Tenby about 25+ years ago. We got stuck there for hours because something ( boat I guess) broke down. The weather turned chilly, the children grizzley and we were glad to get back to our caravan.

  4. Smallholder - It was a long time ago I expect, if I put the recipe up, so I'll do that tomorrow. Sorry you got stranded on Caldy!

    Pat - Ah - Tenby or Pizza? Enjoy the photos of one and I'll put the recipe up for the other tomorrow.

    parsnip - I am now feeling Very Fat as where I'm on the steroids I have been eating far too much. I can eat a good meal, and then 5 minutes later my tummy feels like it's not eaten more than a grape . . . I'll be glad to be off them.

  5. Lovely photos of the ocean. The old towns with the earthen walls just amaze me. Not having anything like that in my history I find it fascinating to read about and see pictures of the old citadels. Thanks for the pictures, BB.

  6. BB- I recently found out that my paternal Great Grandfather came from Tenby, so thank you for a timely post. We have never been there and it looks a lovely old town.

    Your baking has made me hungry. It all looks delicious!

  7. Glad you like it Lynda. I am sorry I didn't have the willing brain to tell you more of the history, but my sleep pattern is oddball at present.

    DW - Fancy that. Tenby is a LOVELY place and I am sure you would find much of interest for you there. You're welcome to come and stay and explore from here!

  8. The Horse, Leila is an Ardenne mare.
