

Jennie's recipes

Monday 23 June 2014

Enjoying these summer days and photos from Poppit Sands

After the long slow cold spring, I was hoping we would get SOME sunshine.  My hopes are rewarded.  We are so busy at the moment, hence the lack of postings.  I will try and catch up this week, promise.

Back to the Thursday before last (oh dear . . .)  Poppit Sands in Cardiganshire.

What a lovely place to have a house . . .

This looks a bit like Scurvy Grass, but the leaves are wrong.  Marjory Blamey is not as good as Roger Phillips for ID when you don't know what the plant is, but all I have upstairs at the moment.

The dunes were a mass of Common Spotted  and Early Purple Orchids.

Hare's-Foot Clover.

Sea Spurge

Lastly, Valerian growing from a barn wall, in a little back street of Cardigan.


  1. Thanks for this look into your delightful spring in Wales. i love the vibrancy of the flower colors against the bright green leaves of new growth everywhere. The building in the header photo is unlike anything I see here where civilization is younger, at least the memories the world order would like us to keep are younger. Why we are so obstinate about those who lived here b4 we came and conquered them, I will never understand. Your ways of learning and living history are so much smarter than ours...

  2. Hi Lynda. We're in high summer here now and have - for once - a LOVELY sunny summer. The Mill building in the header photo is probably two or three hundred years old but on a much much older site. Water mills often date from early Medieval times, rebuilt or enhanced over the years, but rarely being abandoned.

    It is a shame that the history of the American Indians is not considered of interest. I find them fascinating personally, and if you look at tribal art and their beliefs, they are such a link with our OWN past and how we understood the world.

    1. Yes, the American Indians are amazing people; their ways of interacting with the land, the waters of the rivers and lakes, and the wildlife entrances me. When I see what the invaders did to the buffalo, the beaver, the people and their homes and civilizations and all they had and did and were in their history... Brings me to my knees in pain for what we have stomped and burned and killed for no reason other than greed.

      And on a much happier note, your sunny summer days look delightful. You have waited a few years for a hot summer to come and I am glad for you that it is now when the house looks cheery and the flowers bloom prolifically and the people are out, about, and hopefully spending their money on your homestead.

  3. Gosh, wild orchids are almost common in Wales! lovely set of photographs, never seen hare's foot clover before....

  4. For many years we always spent one holiday a year in a cottage on a farm in Verwig, near Cardigan, so Poppit sands was a familiar place to me. This brought back lovely memories. Did you get anywhere near Mwnt and its lovely little church?

  5. What a lovely place BB! Another one to put on my list for when we come back to Wales one of these days......

    The orchids are wonderful. So pleased you are having some good days out this summer.

  6. Glad I have pleased you all. DW - there are so many lovely spots to visit not too far from us here. You will HAVE to put a boat trip across to Skomer on your visit list too.

    Pat - I am so glad that my photos bring back happy memories. We haven't been to Mwnt yet, but were discussing it last week, so watch this space.

    Thelma - we have lots of orchids here - as long as the Council don't persist in cutting them down when they "tidy" the verges. Fortunately these were safe, as on sand dunes, and in a protected area.

    Lynda - I am afraid the early settlers weren't a good example for keeping ecological balances . . . or for leaving folk be. I think we are well overdue a good summer, so we are enjoying this weather and NOT complaining when we wilt!
