

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 26 August 2014

An AMAZING walk! Part 1.

You will have to forgive my absence from blogging this month, but life has been very busy, and we have had our eldest daughter here for 10 days (with the Green Man Festival taking her off at the beginning of it).  Last Saturday we joined up with a good friend of mine, who suggested a walk down on the Gower again.  It is fast becoming one of my favourite places to visit.  

Above is the view from the sand dunes at Broughton, looking back towards the Carmarthenshire coastline and Burry Port.

Turn slightly East, and you take in the Carmarthen Fans and start of the Brecon Beacons.

This is the Blue Pool at Broughton. As you can see, lots of youngsters were thoroughly enjoying themselves leaping into it again and again.  Some being more adventurous than others, climbing to the highest part to jump.  It's about 8 feet or so deep, so safe to leap into.

Harebells were growing here - the area is limestone with  masses of sand dunes.

Looking across to Worm's Head at the far end of Rhossili Bay.

Burry Holms, which becomes an island at high tide. We ventured across but didn't dare to linger as the tide was coming in fast.

The remains of a small chapel built by monks who once lived here in the Medieval period.  Before them, there was a Hillfort built in Iron Age times, and previously, the isle was used in the Mesolithic by peoples who visited it periodically during certain times of the year, to add to their larder.  (Marine resources I don't doubt).  As we were leaving, several fishermen passed us on their way to the isle to spend the night fishing.  I should imagine it is incredibly atmospheric there at night.

Pointing my camera into the sun darkened the photos and made them a nice combination of gloom and sparkling waves.

This one turned out very well.  Worms Head in the background again.

A backdrop of Rhossili Downs (192m, 632 feet) behind a lovely holiday home owned by the National Trust.  I mention the Downs, because I actually managed to climb up them with T and D!!!  What I should also mention is that having found out that I have a Dairy intolerence, by cutting it right out of my diet, my peak flow is back to 420 - 440 and my Respiratory Nurse said I was 95% of back to normal again.  My peak flow is pretty well normal for someone of my age.  SO, with much encouragement from D and T, I made it up the hill.  I shall put the photos in Part II.

Meanwhile, we had the entire length of Rhossili Beach to negotiate - a level walk at least, but 2 1/2 miles long.

I have to admit, half way along the beach, when I was committed to the other half AND the return trip, I wondered if I was doing the right thing.  As it turned out, YES I WAS!!

Part II tomorrow, and I wish I could include every photo I took (about 150 of them!) but no time or room . . .


  1. How wonderful to have your breathing restored to a normal range! Walking on sand can be plodding if the stuff isn't packed down. Intriguing to try and imagine life near the remnants of the stone building as it must have been in ages long past.
    Edward is quite determined to have his paws on the keyboard, so useless to attempt more comment.

  2. I'm sure that Edward's comments would be more than pertinent!!! The sand was wet so walking on it straightforward. When we crossed Barafundle Bay a couple of weeks ago, it was loose and I soon got very tired.

  3. Wonderful news that you are feeling so much better. A lovely post with great photos - I love the ones into the sun. I would so love a holiday in this area - the National Trust cottage looks very tempting :) Looking forward to Part 2!

  4. I have a horrid suspicion RR, that the money wanted for a week's holiday at the NT cottage might be an arm and a leg job . . . Even I would like to stay in it, and we're just an hour's drive away!

  5. Glorious! M keeps threatening to take me to Gower. Love that pool and I'm so pleased you're feeling better. I have to watch my dairy intake too- it's a common problem I suspect :-)

  6. CT - it is a lovely area with splendid walks and fabulous views. Great for a few days away. I would never have guessed I had a dairy intolerence - just goes to show doesn't it? Mind you, coconut milk in my tea isn't quite the same as the Real Thing!

  7. Lovely photos, we used to camp out at the Gower years ago. Glad you breathing is almost normal, it must have been a relief to find the solution, but sad that you have to give up dairy products.

  8. Well done on finding out about the dairy intolerance, I hope avoiding it will continue to improve your health and you get out and enjoy life more. Great images, I love the effect of the darkened photos, with the sea glistening.

  9. Thelma - goaty products aren't quite the same, I have to say, and as for coconut milk in my tea . . . sigh! The Gower is lovely but we have rarely been that way - life intervening.

    Suzie - some of the photos turned out really well. I have the header photo as my screen saver now. I am pleased to have FINALLY gotten to the bottom of my asthma problems. Onwards and upwards.
