

Jennie's recipes

Monday 8 September 2014

A day out at Builth Antiques Fair

"Say Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. . . ."

Miriam had difficulty in getting the right size knickers in the sales . . . and even more difficulty trying them on for size!

"Oh I do like to be beside the seaside . . ."

He was no longer a Knight in Shining Armour . . .

. . . and his horse wasn't up to much either!

You've all heard of pop-up shops - this is the pop-up man. . .

Some things just have style . . .

More photos to come later - but I must away to my jam-making.


  1. Fascinating the things you seem to find at these fairs.

  2. awww the poor animals !
    But what fun to look around.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. I adore that horse in the hat! It feels good to be back and catching up with everyone. xx

  4. Fun fotos, thanks for the good chuckles. Hope the jam came out well, I love a good homemade jam.

  5. Pat - you never know WHAT is going to turn up and somethings things just seem to do the rounds between different dealers!

    parsnip - yes, LOTS of taxidermy always (fashionable at the moment it seems), but they are pieces which have been dead an awful long time.

    Em - I think he was a little Triang horse - from the 1950s anyway. He's had a paint job since by the look of things. Good to have you back.

    Lynda - glad you enjoyed them. I am still half way through making the jam - days have been SO busy recently. You can't beat the homemade jams.

  6. My word what a weird collection of things, where do people find all this stuff!

  7. Haha, that first picture gave me a start!!! Great post :D
    Thank you for your kind comments and yes I've already planted Snowdrops and Allysum in my new flower borders :D
