

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 4 October 2014

Walk by the river

Oooh, two posts in a day, you are probably thinking.  That's because this wretched laptop won't switch off and I am worried it is heading towards the final roundup.  So if I suddenly go quiet, you will know why.  I had a lovely walk down by the river this afternoon, something I've not had time to do for ages, with September being so busy.  Enjoy the photos:

I had to add this one of the Pebble Beach where the children and I would stand and skip flat stones across the river . . .

Hopefully see you all soon!!


  1. What a beautiful header photo.
    Goodness you live in such a lovely place.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. We do indeed parsnip. We try not to take it for granted. We just need Someone Else to fall in love with this area and our lovely house . . .

  3. Oh BB - where would we be without our laptops and yet grief they cause us at times.

  4. Love that river Jennie, hope the laptop survives, mine often comes on with messages of doom but eventually rights itself.

  5. It all looks perfect. How tranquil and picturesque.

  6. Pat - my husband said, well you'll just have to do without if it's on its way out, and I said, "NO WAY!"

    thelma - the river is so beautiful, and I never tire of it. As for bloomin' computers . . . I managed to turn it off last night, but will have to start saving hard just in case . . .

    Kath - That same river can do Very Angry too and even Across the Lane at the drop of a hat! It looks lovely in these photos though.

  7. Lovely photos but my favourite is the third one of the lane. It looks as though you stepped back in time to take that photo.

  8. Rowan - I have been thinking of you this weekend, sos must have Summoned You Up!! Some friends of ours have lived there for well over 30 years now. It used to be a Mill. I have to say, some parts of Wales ARE like stepping back in time. Our little valley has got dragged into the 21st Century in the last couple of years, with a lot more traffic about. Sigh. Everyone well and happy in our household (or rather out of it, as the children have fled the nest and Danny currently in Oz)

  9. A really beautiful walk with lovely photos :) Hope the laptop struggles on. My desktop died recently and husband had to use the recovery discs to get it up and running again.

  10. Great photos, I love all the greenery, something that's missing in Torbay unless you go to Cockington Country Park. The high winds and sea salt affect the trees, so it's not as lush as inland. We took a drive to Bridport last week through beautiful countryside and it did make me sigh. Hope the computer is ok.

  11. What a lovely river walk. Lovely photos too.It still looks so green. We already have the russets and oranges of autumn here! It's nice to meet you I shall enjoy popping over to your blog and having a taste of west Wales.....
