

Jennie's recipes

Monday 10 November 2014

Apple Dappy recipe for Sue over on Frugal in Suffolk

I promised this recipe to Sue after she had Not Enjoyed the version of this on a Co-op recipe card.  I have been making this for years, and it is divine.  It's even more divine cold, next day, with ice cream!  Sorry - no picture as I've not made it recently (OH deems it in the "fattening" category . . .)

APPLE DAPPY (Serves 6)

8 oz (225g) S-R flour
2 oz (50 g) margarine
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 pint (150 ml) milk
P:inch salt
1 tblspn Demerara sugar
1/2 level tsp. cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves or mixed spice
2 good-size apples (I use cookers, but dessert will do)


1 (washed) lemon or a little lemon essence
1 tblspon golden syrup
1/2 oz (15g) margarine
4 oz (100g) sugar
7 fl. oz (200 ml) water

Make syrup first.  Peel fine strips of lemon rind and squeeze lemon.  Put rind, juice and all other syrup ingredients into a pan and stir over a gentle heat until sugar is dissolved.  Leave to cool.

Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl and rub in marg.  Mix to dough with milk.  Roll into 8" x 5" x 1/4" thick rectangle on floured board.  (20 x 13cm x 7 mm thick).

Peel, core and chop apples and spread on pastry.  Mix sugar and spice together and spribkle over apple.  Roll up pastry and apple like a swiss roll.  Then cut into slices about 1" (2.5 cm) thick.

Grease an overproof dish  and lay slices flat on it.  Remove lemon rind from syrup and pour over the apple slices.  Bake in a moderately hot oven, Gas6, 375 deg. F, 190 deg. C for about 30 mins.

Serve with cream or custard.

This is an old Devon recipe .


  1. I was planning a really simple dinner tonight after stuffing myself yesterday. I will be having this with custard, I call that a simple dinner, I have all the ingredients even some custard in the fridge left over from yesterday. Oh Yum, wish it was dinner time.

  2. Thank you, have made notes and will try it

  3. I think this would have to be served with Devonshire cream. Drool.

  4. Pat - definitely Devonshire cream - perhaps even clotted!

    Kath - get cooking!

    Sue - I hope this will be more successful than the Co-op recipe which sounded dry to me.

    Pam - a simple apple supper it is then!!! Report back : )

  5. Must give this a try. Love your new header photo. Exhibition finishes today so hopefully my life will be my own again after a summer of not having time for anything else very much! Not that it took up every waking hour but it took up all of my mind which is just as bad.

  6. I know that feeling Rowan. My mind was like that when I was researching my Edward Thomas talk. I just got so involved and it was almost like living a parallel life.

  7. Sounds so delicious - have just written down the recipe and will be trying this out :)
