

Jennie's recipes

Friday 9 January 2015

A January day in Hay-on-Wye

The weather pundits were predicting strong gales and heavy rain today and we did wonder if we would be able to get out to celebrate our Wedding Anniversary (27 years).  Fortunately the weather wasn't too bad - much milder, and whilst a bit wet and windy just as we were leaving Hay this afternoon, it could have been a lot worse.  We will have to see what the night brings, but it is meant to be very mild at all events.

I love the architecture of this wee cottage become a butcher's shop, and note the painting on the doorway by the bicycle!  I think the butcher must be in the Bahama's as he's clearly forgotten to take Santa and his Christmas trees down . . .

An interesting window display of large glass jars (coloured ones inside) in one of the antique shop windows.

Inside the main antiques place, with lots of different traders.  Someone has clearly cornered the market in china Shire horses in harness . . . not good sellers normally, I have to say!

This cupboard/dresser must have taken some shifting as it was a fair way into the warren of rooms.

This little table-top mangle was more my style.  Mainly because I can recall using something similar - mum's was screwed on to the end of her kitchen table.

An interesting little corner.

View through the window.

Inthe next shop - forget pigs-in-blankets, here are pigs in boots . . .

One window further on had all sorts of retro-look modern kitchen accoutrements.

Hay Castle ruins looking very grey against a grey sky.

Last photo - the view from the car park, showing the first LAMBS of the year!!!  Sorry I couldn't get any closer . . .

All in all, we had a lovely day out.  The catkins are in flower now, some more along than others, and it lifts my heart to see them like golden rain in the hedgerows.  On the way home, we stopped at the small garage in Sennybridge to buy a drink, and I looked across the road at the trees in a garden opposite.  One tall graceful Silver Birch had long slender fingers of twigs, and they were streaming just like burgundy hair, being combed by the wind.  Nearby was a smaller Weeping Willow, with yellow branches that were being whipped by the wind and it reminded me of a Whippet straining at the leash to be let off to run.  Just little things, but they stay in the memory.

I bought a book of R S Thomas's poetry (this is going to be poetry year), and Exceptional Breads by Dan Lepard and Richard Whittington.  So watch this space for some of my efforts . . .

I will probably use my Edward Thomas blog this year to add some poetry I enjoy, and hope you will too.


  1. Thanks for the terrific photos of shops. Will have to get to Hay next trip, although my house is full to the seams now..I am a sucker for china and books, furniture and textiles....
    Bitter cold friend does have lambs (unplanned) this early....

  2. Happy Anniversary. Looks like a perfect day out..even in January.

  3. Looks like you had a lovely day out for your Wedding Anniversary. Must add Hay to my list of places to try and visit - haven't been for years but the shops look so interesting :) Look forward to reading some Edward Thomas poetry on your other blog - I have a book of his poems in my pile of books "to read next"!! Still working my way through all Richard Jefferies works.

  4. Happy Anniversary BB!

    Thank you for a virtual tour of the Hay antique shops and for a cheering photo of lambs. Spring can`t be far away?
