

Jennie's recipes

Friday 20 February 2015

Rained off

Yesterday it rained, all day long.  There was no chance of getting back out to the Brambles, so I donned old clothing and got out my new paintbrush and the can of "Rice cake" satin gloss I got recently and set to work.

The paintwork up the stairs (including this window and 3 doors along the way, not to mention skirting boards, was looking a little shabby and careworn.  It was a pale grey-green (to pick out a similar colour in the carpet) and I thought a sort of antique white would be a good look.  So out with the masking tape and get busy . . .

I always paint with Radio 4 on in the background.  I've not listened to it a great deal so far in 2015 and had completely missed this brilliant series - Gloomsbury, a wonderful parody based on the Bloomsbury set.  It had me in stitches (I listened to 4 episodes back to back), and cheered me up no end!  Vera Sackcloth-Vest!  Then they introduced D H Lollipop (D H Lawrence) and that had me in stitches.  Listen on Catch-up if you have a mind.

The finished window and windowseat on the half landing, looking out across the paddock.  Job well done.  LOTS more to do though - 3 flights of stairs!


  1. Nice colour! I may have to look for that. I love Gloomsbury too but have been missing it. Time for the R4 web site I guess.

  2. I listen to R4 its my preferred choice, they have some great programs on, a lot better than all that squawking they call music and dribble they call conversation.
    Good job on the painting :-)

  3. Em - a peaceful colour. Better than white. Thank heavens for repeats. . .

    Dawn - I stopped listening to Radio 1 and changed to Radio 4 when I was about 20. I think that says something about me!

  4. Very elegant the paintwork, just the right colour for the window and its view. As I grow older I find too many voices on radio clamouring for my attention, more and more switching to 3 or classic, though adverts get me cross...

  5. Love your paint colour! For the first time EVER (45 years of marriage) we hired someone to paint the walls and trim in our new sunroom...I have to say it was an absolute luxury that we will do again, when we get some more money together!
    Please keep posting the Malvern Flea Market pictures..hope to schedule this years trips to coincide with at least one of those weekends....
