

Jennie's recipes

Monday 9 March 2015

An interlude in Bredwardine

It was a Malvern Day yesterday.  Not the Fleamarket this time, but the Antiques Market, with a few outdoor stalls, and apparently in the cattle sheds they had an auto-jumble, but that's not our thing and we didn't bother wandering over there.  We met up with our friends C & P and spent a lovely morning with them, bought a few things, and then on the way home, decided to stop off in Bredwardine, which is between Hereford and the turning off for Clyro and Hay-on-Wye.

Standing by the lytch gate, this was the view north-westwards, across the ploughed fields and browning Hazel catkins.  It was far prettier than my photo allows it.

There was an apple orchard (cider apples) just beside the church, and looking across it to the steeply rising hillsides, dotted with houses, I was reminded of the view from the edge of Florence, this time last year.

Another view across the valley, to the left of the one above.

I loved this orchard - old trees which were smothered with Mistletoe.  I can't wait for blossom-time to come round so I can take some heartlifting photos of the blooms.

The massive font is carved from one enormous piece of stone.  It dates from the 12th C, and is very simple in form.  The Herefordshire school of Romanesque Sculpture had no sway here.  If you are interested by that term, check out Kilpeck Church, Herefordshire, which is a magnificent example. The link is well worth checking out.  However, it does have one motif in common with Kilpeck (and other churches) which I missed -  the Shiela-na-Gig over a blocked doorway, so will have to go back and photograph that next time.

The beautiful stained glass windows behind the Altar.  Whilst some of the stonework in the fabric of the external building is Norman, at its heart lies the remains of a Saxon church .

Above, the tomb of the Knight Walter Baskerville which lies to the right of the Altar.

To the left of the Altar lies Sir Roger Vaughan, who died defending Henry V at Agincourt in 1415.  Sadly, he was later defaced - doubtless in the time of the Civil War.

The Rev. Francis Kilvert was the Vicar here back in 1877 - 1879, when he died aged just 38, some three weeks after marrying, from what was generally considered to be Peritonitis.  More about him later but here is a quick insight.

I'll add a couple more photos in the morning.


  1. What a fabulous font! Jx

  2. It reminded me of one of those teapots on feet which were popular a few years back!

  3. A really interesting post and it brought back some memories as we used to visit the area a lot when I was a child :) The font is beautiful - Kilpeck Church is on my list of churches to visit. Oh I do wish we could retire to Herefordshire - just love the area so much.

  4. Blossom time is imminent on our local trees, indeed one is out already at the local college.

  5. I love this part of the country and when I lived in Wolverhampton we used to visit it regularly - I am a great Kilvert fan. Nice reminder - thanks.

  6. I absolutely love that photo of the stained glass. Lovely catching up with you. Sorry I've been a rubbish follower recently! xx

  7. Fascinating. I am such a fan of ancient churches and cemeteries. I look forward to viewing your archives.

  8. Good to see you Mountainwoman - when I pop over and look at your blog I always think what a lovely place to live! Enjoy the archives.

    Em - beautiful isn't it? I've been much the same - life gets in the way doesn't it?

    Pat - I'm a Kilvert fan too and lucky to live so near to the areas he lived and walked and loved well. We've stopped at Clyro many a time.

    Simon - welcome to you. \looking out of the kitchen window this morning I saw the first white pin-pricks of blossom showing on my big Damson tree.

    R. Robin - oh you will LOVE Kilpeck. It is so belt and braces with its Christian and pagan imagery - the latter to warn an illirterate people not to backslide!

  9. What a treat to come by and see photos so lovely and wonderfully different from where I live and play. Thanks for sharing with us. The stained glass picture stopped me with its stark simplicity and radiant colors.
