

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 7 May 2015

A little something to keep me busy

Isn't he gorgeous?  I'm not a brilliant (or fast) knitter, but this waif and stray came home with me from my friend Annie's cottage yesterday.  He needs to be finished, and as Annie's daughter can't knit, I found my voice saying that I would have a go!

Here he is with his jumper on.

You may remember the beautiful wool embroidery that Annie had been trying to finish (it's for a Fire Screen).  I have said I will complete this too.  Not much to do - just a bit of pink on the infill of the flower top left, and some yellow to echo the black in the border.

This is one of the books I have been given from Annie's full bookshelves.  I have not come across this one before but it is excellent.  I must look out for her other gardening books now too.

Look out for photos from Badminton Horse Trials next week, as I am staying with a friend and going to X-country day tomorrow.  Have a good weekend.


  1. Enjoy the horse trials and if you see an official looking photograph pointing his lens your way give a little wave so that we can pick you out.

  2. Oh the colours of the bear are wonderful, such a rich colour. Do you have the whole body to knit, he is adorable.
    Your new book looks great, I will have to have a look for that one.
    Enjoy your weekend
    Fondly Michelle

  3. My late MIL knit beautifully. She once guided me through making mittens for my children when they were very small, but I found that I didn't keep a consistent tension in either knitting or crochet. After a few projects I decided that my skills lay in sewing. It is a dear little bear and I trust you can finish him. Crewel work I could do nicely, but didn't keep on with it--perhaps because more 'practical' things were needed. There is certainly a peacefulness in hand work.

  4. Envious of your trip to Badminton, it's years since I went. Hope you have a great day.

  5. What a lovely bear and I'm sure a pleasure to finish.

  6. What a dear little bear and the cushion is beautiful too. The cakes in your last post looked delicious by the way :) Enjoy yourself at Badminton.

  7. Absolutely gorgeous! Please finish it or I'll feel very sad about the disembodied head....xx

  8. Pat - we sat and ate our picnic (which was a GORGEOUS one as my friend's hubby is a chef!) by one fence but don't think we got "scanned" at all . . .

    Michelle - yes, only his head is done so lots to knit yet. Part of body on needles and just increasing so I have to work out where in pattern that is. There is a ball of red wool for his jumper.

    Sharon - crewel work - that's it. I was just thinking embroidery in wool being a dumbo! I shall enjoy doing that as I have done lots of embroidery in silks. I am far better working by hand than machine!

    CT - we had a great day and the weather was just perfect.

    Suzie - I am looking forward to finishing him. I have to be in the mood for knitting, so will probably finish the crewel work first.

    R. Robin - he is a dear little chap. I don't know who he was destined to belong to so will have to find out. When I got to my friends her husband had been baking - Lemon Drizzle cake with poppy seeds in!

    Em - I shall try and get started on him soon then - hate to make you sad!
