

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 20 June 2015

Catching my tail occasionally . . . and thoughts on things home-made.

I'm hoping you can read the recipe and method from this page.  If not, shout out and I'll put it up for you.


  1. Oh you witch you, I suppose you are dancing naked around the garden today and celebrating the solstice, I have over the years learned those who dont appreciate handmade with love gifts and there are many, so usually get them some bottle of mixed chemicals on offer in the sales, those who appreciate the thought and work that has gone into a gift are the ones I cherish :-)

  2. I love 'Tess' - shall certainly look out for her and find a spot for her to grow.
    I have tried to grow yellow aquelegias for years and they always come up pink!
    I am not even looking at those brownies as we try hard to avoid cake!

  3. We had chairs like that in the late 50's and early 60s, usually covered in stripey stuff. Lovely flower photos and good looking brownies too, I think everyone should enjoy them.

  4. I love Blackie, what a bargain.
    I once gave some hand stitching to a friend for her birthday, it was a bird I had chosen to make her, she was a bird watcher, she often saw me stitching and always asked about the project and was well aware of how long they took to complete, it was only a small framed piece, but she also said a quick thanks and I never saw it again. So now I only pass on stitching through my blog to people who want them.

  5. My Mother always said that if somebody thought enough of you to give up their precious time to make a gift that gift was beyond price. She loved getting home made anything, I never saw her wear any knitted garment that was not hand made, and the only preserves and pickle that she ate were homemade. I am much the same, although I do buy my woollies.

  6. The Chocolate and blackberry brownies are from 'Country Harvest' aren't they? My DIL Francesca has made them ad you are right they are wonderful. So is the whole book - an inspirational feast for the eyes. Pity that the ntemp missed out on the elderflower handcream - elderflower is one of the most healing things I know, I use the salve that I make for all kinds of things. Need to get some elderflowers and make a fresh batch if I can find a proper dry day to pick them!

  7. Hi BB

    Those Brownies look lush and I cannot believe I have been sitting on the recipe. I am particularly fond of Brownies. I too have the Country Harvest by Linda Burgess and Rosamond Richardson and it is one of my favourite preserve books. One that I go to time and time again. I recognised the book straight away. I too love handmade things or even a recycled present but not everyone is the same and I think it comes down to the spirittuality of the person - some just are not in touch with their inner self or of giving of themselves freely. I too love the hedgerows and am in my element when I can forage. Its a pity I am not up near you as I think we would get into all kinds of trouble.

    The deck chair was also a blast from the past. My grandparents had a couple of these for us as we always used to go on picnics and take the primus stove with us. My Nans little chairs matched two large wooden sling back deck chairs. All were covered in a thick sail cloth/canvas a bright aquamarine jade background with an orange and black stripe through. I think when my grandparents home was cleared they were sent to the charity shop by my mother who unfortunately does not do recycled things, but that's another story. Hope your brownies go down a storm and Solstice greetings. Take care. Pattypan xx

  8. Those brownies look absolutely delicious - have some frozen blackberries picked last year left in the freezer so may well be trying that recipe :)

    I agree with you about homemade presents - I personally can't imagine anything nicer with all the time and thought that has gone into it. The homemade cards and little presents the children used to make for Mother's Day when they were little are some of my favourite things!

    Love the new fuschia - we don't have much luck here at all with lupins - suspect slugs and snails have a midnight feast!

  9. Like everyone else those brownies look delicious but we try not to eat too much baked stuff, because as we all know it is fattening. Jennie don't move it's hell ;) Paul is an out and our hoarder. Envying all your flowers, just been sorting what to leave (most) because I don't think there will be much room on the van. Today, two gi-enormous aluminum pots came down, you could literally feed an army out of them, never used, they came 40 years ago to this house and stayed up in the garage all that time....

  10. Like everyone else those brownies look delicious but we try not to eat too much baked stuff, because as we all know it is fattening. Jennie don't move it's hell ;) Paul is an out and our hoarder. Envying all your flowers, just been sorting what to leave (most) because I don't think there will be much room on the van. Today, two gi-enormous aluminum pots came down, you could literally feed an army out of them, never used, they came 40 years ago to this house and stayed up in the garage all that time....

  11. I must try to make those brownies, they look wonderful.
    But you are a witch... just look at all the temptation you show us.
    Home baked bread, brownies, hand cream beautiful flowers and today was the summer solstice !
    so yes, I guess your a witch.

    cheers, parsnip

  12. If I am in the mood for brownies or cakes, I make one, take a piece or two out and give the rest to friends! I am glad your friends appreciate it!
    I am getting very fussy about who gets my rag rugs and quilts....I think home made gifts are the best!
    Flowers are gorgeous. Hot and humid here in the mid Atlantic US.....gotta get up very early to garden!

  13. Dawn - I managed to resist the temptation - though it was cold and damp first thing which did not encourage me!!!

    Pat - I try to avoid cake too - which is why I make and give away, and just have a piece in passing. The tray bake went down very well on Sunday but I might have eaten a couple of small pieces . . .

    R. Robin - I still have lots of blackberries in the freezer from last year so may well make some space for this year's and do a batch of Bramble Jelly - in my spare time!

    Thelma - I can foresee absolute panic stations here when we do finally get a buyer. Keith is so laid back about it all whereas I am in panic mode now just trying to get it all sorted so we can go back on the market. I have to clear the barn out to get some of the stock stowed away in it to clear the Junk Room.

    Parsnip - ah, those witchy tendencies haven't worn off then!!

    Lynda - I can't garden in the heat. I wilt very quickly. I am the same as you - bake, have a slice or bun or two and give the rest to friends or have a coffee morning. Rag Rugs are something I keep wanting to try, but crafting is NOT on the agenda at the moment. Too much to do!

    Sue - I've not starated on it yet apart from putting easing oil on the nuts and bolts, which were well rusted. I have such pretty material for it and will paint the frame today.

    Marlene & Pam - yes, we have to chose our "victims" well don't we? I can't understand anyone not appreciating something hand made but I suppose they have been brought up not to value such things. Their loss . . . Blackie is enjoying her new home though she will have to go into the polytunnel over the winter I think as she's half-hardy.

    Rowan & Pattypan - well spotted. It's one of my favourite baking books and when I saw a spare copy I got it for Tam.

    Pattypan - I was interested in your take on the spiritual development of the people who don't appreciate made with love. It is their loss though. You and I would have such wonderful times foraging together and making things - I do wish you were just down the road : )

  14. Those brownies look so good, You know I love to bake so I will have a go at these.
    I have an old broomstick outside the front door, we get so many comments from it. Our daughter made us a beautiful cross stitch for our anniversary, it is wonderful & because we make so many handmade items it makes us appreciate it so much. I am putting a photo of it on my next post. We love homemade here, maybe it depends where you live. We use to live in Essex many years ago & there is not a lot of homemade items there.
    Enjoy this beautiful day.
    Fondly Michelle

  15. I have to say, homemade and Essex aren't words I would normally put together either! I hope you will enjoy the Brownies - I put them in the fridge overnight so the chocolate element sets and they are scrumdiddlyumptious! I am sure you treasure your daughter's x-stitch - such gifts are so thoughtful and have love sewn into every stitch. I look forward to seeing your photo of it - and I always look forward to your next post!
