

Jennie's recipes

Monday 1 June 2015

Hay Literary Festival last weekend

I spent Saturday at Hay Literary Festival and never having been before, I was looking forward to seeing what it was like.  Inside the complex of stands was this lovely gypsy vardo (for sale).  I'd love to have a holiday in one.  It would teach me to be Very Tidy I think!

My friend L has two children, B 9 and E 13.  Originally I was going to accompany E to the talk by Michael Morpurgo, but B decided he wanted to have me to himself all day, and so instead I accompanied him to Shaun the Sheep in the afternoon.  Whilst L and E were at their talk, B and I had a wander round, and came across this stand with some lovely sculptures.  The chickens above.

This lovely Greyhound.

These rats were my favourites, for their bright knowing eyes.  Lots of other nice things there, but way beyond my purse.

I was very good and limited myself to just two purchases:  a present for a friend, and a copy of Castles and Moated Sites of Herefordshire and believe it or not, I actually wouldn't let myself buy that first time round, but then B talked me into it!

I really didn't know quite what to expect of the Shaun the Sheep "talk" but it was actually very good and although there were plenty of children present, it was aimed at the adults really, although the children did enjoy the clips from Shaun the Sheep tv programmes and the recent movie.  Peter Lord, who presented it was one of the co-founders of Aardman Animations (they are behind Wallace and Grommit, Shaun the Sheep, Creature Comforts, Morph etc.)  He was very interesting and showed us what went on behind the scenes.  I never realized that their sets were housed in a building the size of an aircraft hangar!

All in all, a nice change.  Then when my OH had picked me up, we got home to this:

The boy-cats were trying to pretend that one of them was a crack shot with an air rifle . . .


  1. The festival sounds good, I'd have enjoyed the Shaun the Sheep talk - I'm a great fan of his:) Those sculptures are lovely but I agree with you that the rats are the best. Poor old squirrel, not a very nice homecoming for you. Glad you enjoyed your day though.

  2. My cat caught a squirrel in his younger days.... Nowadays I think his poor old bones aren't up to tree climbing. Jx

  3. Oh I love the Rats. They are beautiful.
    My daughter has had many rats as pets over the years. They are so sweet.
    The last two have just died they were super old and she misses them.
    Lovely post

    cheers. parsnip

  4. The sculptures look very good BB. I love the lines and the wistful look of the greyhound.

    So pleased that you enjoyed your day at Hay. It is still "on my list". I would love to go.

  5. Love those sculptures - glad I wasn't there as I don't think I could have resisted the rats.

  6. Can't resist Jenny, are you going to stuff that squirrel? ;) Lucky you going to the Hay festival, those sculptures are beautiful. Saw on my F/B page that Jackie Morris (Solva author and illustrator) is teaming up with Robert Macfarlane for a book, should be interesting.

  7. thelma - winks! Jackie Morris was there signing books (and presumably giving a talk) on the last day of the Hay festival. A book of hers and Robert McFarlane's will be a delight to look forward to.

    Pat - they were rather splendid rats.

    DW - I know you would enjoy it, but for me, there wasn't really much outside of the actual talks. I would need to pick my day carefully I think.

    Parsnip - one of my eldest daughter's friends always had rats. She was rather given to knitting them hammocks . . .

    Jan - I rather think my boyos just had a lucky find! They are too fat to shin up trees, especially Ghengis!

    Rowan - good to see you in ciculation again. I am up in Sheffield next month, staying with Tam, but it will be a bit of a flying visit and I'm travelling by train, or I would drive out and see you. I am now a proper Shaun the Sheep fan too!
