

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Belatedly, Chatsworth - the grounds

As we made our way across to the beautiful grounds, we walked through a small formal garden, and this was the first rose I saw, David Austin's Tuscany Superb.  It is so beautiful, and I bought myself one today . . .  As you do!  It is a Gallica rose, and one of the few bred in the UK (according to the DA catalogue.)

Another DA rose - I shall have to look it up.  Very pretty with that white eye.

The wild flower Nettle Leaved Bellflower.  The last time I saw this growing anywhere was well over 30 years ago on a day out in Gloucestershire.  There was a lot of it growing in the woodland margins.

Around many of the trees - dead or still growing (this looks like a dead Sweet Chestnut tree) - this rose - Kiftsgate I believe - was growing.  It looked stunning in all settings.

This was the shell grotto - but I think all the shells had long gone.

Everlasting (perennial) Sweet Pea.  We used to have this in the garden where I grew up.

This was one of the fountains at the top of a long flight of the stepped water feature.

An absolutely huge woven willow sculpture.

I can't remember what this fountain was called - probably water lily or something - but very cleverly made, with the petals dropping down and closing up afterwards.

Sweet Williams, with their wonderful clove scent.  One of mum's favourites, and mine too.  This was the start of the Kitchen Garden - more photos of that tomorrow.


  1. Oh I love Sweet Williams & those roses are beautiful.
    Than you for your lovely garden tour.
    Fondly Michelle

  2. We have sweet williams, when we move house soon I want to create a garden with many old fashioned favourites.

  3. Lovely vivid pinks. Also, that sunny weather would be most welcome to return

  4. Michelle - I meant to grow a row for cutting this year, but never got around to it.

    Simple Living - Welcome. Isn't it lovely to plan "the next garden". Good luck with your move. I wish ours would happen . . .

    Simon - we have occasional blips of sunny weather but these only occur when I am navvying in the garden - like yesterday afternoon for example! I think the rest of the country would have me navvy more often . . .

