

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 10 September 2015

Enjoying a wonderful visit from my best friend

My best friend Trish and I go back a long way.  We have been best friends since we were 5 years old - that's since 1957.  We don't have any secrets from one another.  When she was diagnosed with Cancer last year it was a huge blow, but she is responding well to the chemo and is fighting back.  She and her husband came down for a short break with us this week, and must have ordered the weather in advance as we have had 4 dry sunny days in a row - for the first time this summer!  We went down to Rhossili Bay on Tuesday, picking up my middle daughter on the way.

It was just a tad windy!  I'm the fat one on the left, and the combover is not a good look for me!  That's Worm's Head in the background and in the top photo.  We had something to eat and drink on the clifftop cafe and had a wee stroll before coming back and heading down to Caswell Bay, where it was a little less windy.

This took Trish and I back as we remember being given lifts home on scooters like these back in the day, when Mods and Rockers ruled!  I can still remember sitting on the back of one like this, hair flying behind me, wearing a camel coloured coat and hands in my pockets, all nonchalant!!

Here is our middle daughter Gabby, who had a fortunate day off so we were able to all meet up and have an outing together.

A lovely photo of Trish and John on the beach.  I was brave enough to take off my shoes and hoist up my trousers and go in for a paddle.  A wee bit chilly once you got ankle deep though.  John took a photo with his phone, but I'm not sure if I will be able to transfer it up on here.

Caswell Bay was fairly quiet - the houses up on the cliffs have a fabulous view.

Yesterday we went to Laugharne, and walked up to Dylan Thomas's writing hut and the Boathouse where he and Caitlin and their three children lived.  This view is looking out across the salt marshes at the edge of the estuary.

A moonlit-looking photo taken looking towards the sun.

Trish and John again.  Having been chilled the previous day, we all put on an extra layer and were sweltering by this point as it was hot and just a little breeze.

Looking up at one of the walls of Laugharne Castle.

Trish and John on the little bridge crossing the stream which feeds into the estuary.

One last look at the clock-tower in the village on the way back to the car.

There was a little car boot sale (I'd forgotten about it) in the bottom car park and we had a wander round that and I bought a piece of good leather hide to make a new cushion for a damaged one on our leather sofa.  We probably won't keep the sofa when we downsize but at least it will be sellable once it's mended.

We went on to Pendine, but a brisk wind had got up, Trish was tired, the chippy was shut and so was the Museum.  There was a charity there from Heathrow, with some rescued Owls, and so we had a chat with them and stroked a beautiful Eagle Owl (I think her name was Daisy) who was a rescue bird.  She used to be used by a drug dealer, who kept all his stash in the shed where she was locked and she was treated badly and would attack anyone venturing in.  What a difference when she allowed us to stroke her feathers, blinking her big orange eyes at us.  There was also a Little Owl, a Tawny, a Barn Owl and a Long Eared Owl (think I am right about the latter).  Stupid here left the camera in the car, so no photos sadly.

Waving to our other best friends Rosie and Lin, here are the photos as promised!


  1. I love owls they have a knowing look, glad to see you had a nice few days.

  2. I love owls, and how good these were rescued and you had the chance to meet them. That is a beautiful area with the sea, and Dylan Thomas's writing hut. I hope your friend has successful treatment and heals. "For I will restore your health to you, and heal your wounds, says the Lord." Jeremiah 30:17

  3. Good luck to your friend...vile disease. Love the pictures and your header too. The sunshine has been wonderful for a change here in Ceredigion. Lovely post.Maria xx

  4. Marlene - these were beautifully cared for and the Little Owl was SO sweet.

    Terra - Still kicking myself for not taking photos. My friend's treatment is just buying time, but she has responded very well to it, and there is another treatment available yet. She is such a fighter.

    Maria - I was trying to think when we last had 4 days of sunshine in a row. Possibly June . . . I expect you've been making the most of it too.

  5. great photos. I think Trish looks very stylish with her short white hair. Vivienne Westwood starred on the front cover of Harpers Bazaar ast year with exactly the same "do". Sending all best wishes for her recovery x

  6. Thanks Kath. Sadly, recovery isn't part of the equation but miracles do happen sometimes. She can't wait to have her highlights back anyway!

  7. Yes I do hope she recovers, it looked like a lovely day out and that top header photo is gorgeous, the sand looks like satinised steel, with just that blob of orange to set it off.

  8. Goes off in search of orange blob in header picture. Oh yes Thelma, my artist's eye saw that and thought, yeah, clever one that! Ahem, actually it was just one of those freak turn-out-well-despite-person-operating-camera photos!!! The treatment is buying Tricia time, BUT that said, hopefully immunotherapy will buy her much longer.

  9. Old friends are the best and I am sure those few days with you would give her a boost.

    No wonder Dylan wrote such wonderful stuff with a view like that.

  10. Mind you Pat, half the time he was so squiffy that he could barely see to write, let alone see the view!!! I think we all felt the benefit of some sea air and the company of good friends.

  11. Wonderful photos BB - of all of you and the beautiful coastal scenery.

    I am SO pleased that Trish and John had such good times with you and I wish her many more happy days.

  12. DW - it's lovely down there. We laid down some good memories, which is what life is about isn't it?

  13. I'm glad you had such a lovely time with your friend, the scenery is quite stunning. I have had the same thing with my oldest friend too but happily she is in remission now and hopefully will come through the remaining three of the five years and be fine. I hope that Trish still has a good while in front of her. Gorgeous photo if Tabby.
