

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Thoughts on shopping elsewhere

I sit in the garden, taking a break from some heavy-duty gardening, my book (Mr Mac and Me) open on my lap, but my thoughts elsewhere.  A Red Admiral butterfly and several bees take advantage of the sunshine and the bounty the Sedums have to offer, and behind me I am aware of the grumbling of the Sparrows and the flutter of their wings as they fly between the rambler rose and the guttering on the house.

My mind travels back to this morning, when I stood and proudly watched (along with many other folk who lined the streets through town) the Welsh Guards parading, headed by their brass band as they marched in the sunshine up towards Notts Square.  Several were nearly as red in the face as their Uniforms and those bearskins can't have helped their temperatures either.

When I went into the main Health Food shop in town, which I have long patronised, the young man behind the counter was . . . sounding off . . . to a woman whom he was serving, and she looked rather embarassed, although she said not a word.  He was obviously anti-Royalist and his rhetoric had my hackles up, and when he called our Queen "the German woman", my lips were being firmly bitten.  I was within an inch of walking out.  It was only the fact I could not get that particular brand of bread flour elsewhere in town (and I had run out of it) that kept me in the shop.  Had he said ONE word on that same theme to me he would have had MY opinion on the matter and I would have walked out, never to darken his door again.  Having now given it thought, I intend to take my patronage elsewhere and having checked where I can get that flour online, that is where I shall buy it now.

There are times when people should keep their notions and beliefs to themselves.  I don't often discuss politics or what I believe in on here, but I can tell you something for nothing, that young man and I are polar opposites.


  1. Couldn't agree with you more Jennie! Glad that he's reaping the reward that he deserves.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. such a lovely butterfly. i believe i have seen them here, twice.
    politics sure can be an edgy subject.

  4. I am American and love the Queen. Perhaps you could speak to the owner or manager of the store; I imagine they would like to hear your thoughts and to keep your business.

  5. I would telephone and have a word with the manager/owner of the shop or is this a one man operation?

  6. Hi SandyExpat - Hmmm, slightly difficult as I think this may well be the owners' son! A friend has mentioned seeing it up in the Brechfa community shop, so I don't need to buy it on line now.

    Terra - I like our Royal family too. If the country went the way this young man would prefer, then we would have an MP up there (whoever was PM at the time) and if he reckons that would be cheaper, he'd be in for a shock. Our Royal family work SO hard for their country, and those two Princes wouldn't think twice about fighting for their country, Harry particularly.

    Tammie Lee - we are having a late flourishing of butterflies. This one was around the garden for most of the afternoon and I am glad the Sedum was flourishing. I was cutting and clearing everything that had flowered and am now gradually weeding out the thugs I don't want in there next year!

    Kristi - I did find it on line, but have since found out I can get it in a neighbouring village shop, so I'll shop local in future.

    Rowan - Thank you. I believe in freedom of speech, but there is a time and a place and this was not appropriate.

  7. In any case BB, anyone who wishes to run a successful shop should have more sense than to antagonise customers on any subject. What happened to the maxim that 'the customer is always right.'?

  8. I would perhaps send a letter to the shop saying you were offended by his comments and will now be taking your business else were in future :-)

  9. That's just what I was thinking earlier on Pat. The woman he was talking at (!) kept looking down and obviously didn't know what to say.

    Dawn - I will give it some thought, but in a way I think i shall just reside on the moral high ground and let Karma get him in its own time . . .
