

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 31 October 2015

Another trip to the seaside!

This was JUST the photo I was trying to get yesterday, with some reasonable sized waves surging in and breaking over with a mist of spume above them.  Magical.

Following on from last night's post, we were on the beach at Newport, Pembrokeshire.  We went to view an auction not too far away, left two bids, and as we would have hours and hours to wait until the 2nd bid, as that was late in the furniture section near the end of the sale, we headed off to the coast.  Newport is a small town which we generally get to once a year and we felt we were overdue a visit.

We half-thought of a sit-down snack in a cafe, but the fare on offer was the sort my husband isn't partial to - soup, paninis, pizza etc and we decided that £3.95 for a Bakewell tart in one eatery was a rip-off, and sharing one between us might look a tad mean.  Besides, we had brought a flask of tea, so it was a bit daft sitting down to a pot to go with cake.  So, a car picnic it was.  After a fossick around in the Carn-Ingli Antique Centre, we crossed the road and bought Spelt and Honey bread, a little waxed truckle of ginger cheese (which we had cut into four), liquorice for OH and 2 Red Pippin apples for me.

We sat in the car in the sunshine, eating to the accompaniment of seagulls, childrens' excited half-term voices and the occasional manoeuvring car.  My OH did his newspaper puzzle page and I began reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, a book which someone had mentioned the day before and I realized was in my bookcase, still unread.

A brisk breeze shook the ivy flowers, rosehips and barely-formed end-of-season blackberries in the hedgerow behind us and when I looked up, my eyes were drawn above the rooftops to a green path amongst the spent heather and bracken, leading up to the ridge by Carn Ingli.

Carn Ingli, taken from the bridge across the river.  More about this tomorrow.

We parked up and walked up to the shops.  This old chapel is directly across from the car park and is typical of many rebuilds of chapels - many like this were built smaller initially, and then rebuilt much bigger to cope with the increase in chapel- (and church-) goers in early Victorian times.  There was a terrific surge in non-conformism which saw chapel-building reach epic proportions - the above link speaks of one chapel being built every 8 days in Wales at the zenith!  The peak was reached in the middle of the century began to decline after Darwin's "Origin of Species" was published and people began to question their absolute belief in the Church and Chapel teachings.

A lovely little cottage is just along the road.

These buildings used to be in a sad state of repair but look much better for being restored and refaced - some lovely stone-work there and buildings with a purpose again - the 2nd one along is a fishmongers.  The next building is the health food shop where we brought bread, cheese and apples for our lunch.

We had a lovely stroll around.  These cottages are up towards the Castle.

This lovely old cottage was behind the castle.  I felt I would love to live here - there was a lovely feel to this area.  Note pumpkins for sale (there were eggs too).  A beautiful unspoilt cottage.

A couple of views (and below) of the Norman castle, now a private residence.  HERE is a link to the history of it.

Then we wandered round by the church.

Lots of telephone wires over the rooftops, but a tempting glimpse of the sea and the beach we were about to head for.

I think this was Church Street, as these cottages were just below the church.  Nicely painted and cared for.

One garden was just one huge tumble of these pretty daisies.  They look lovely edging steps.

Sea and beach photos tomorrow.  I have enjoyed writing this - well, a big chunk was jotted down yesterday whilst we were having lunch.  I had written on someone's blog earlier in the week that so many things I meant to write about got lost if not written down at the time.  I plan to try and change that as I hate just writing up basic descriptions for photos when time is short.


  1. Thankyou for taking me on your walk, I have driven by Newport many times, now I must stop off next time and explore.

  2. Echoing the above by Pam, only been to Newport a couple of times, been in that delicatessen though, Paul bought some Welsh whiskey there, which he loved.

  3. It looks an interesting place, thanks for sharing your walk, you found some good things to photograph

  4. Oh those cottages are all so beautiful - and very photogenic. Your 'car-picnic' sounds very tasty - love the sound of that little truckle of ginger cheese with the Spelt & Honey bread. Yummy and much nicer than the fare at the cafe.

  5. What a wonderful visit and outstanding photos.
    Thank you so much.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. What a wonderful and interesting post and great photos. I felt as though I was walking along with you. The cottages are beautiful and your car picnic sounds tasty!! Really enjoyed the photos and walk a few posts back along your valley too. Loved the photo of the umbellifer :)

  7. I think I would have enjoyed being with you on this walkabout town. The sense of cottages and shops sitting so close to the street or road is alarming to me, although I gather this is common in Great Britain.
    I would have been fine with soup in the cafe, but your impromptu picnic sounds good as well--it is difficult to justify the cost of a meal unless it is a very special occasion.
    Re The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society [what a cumbersome name for a book!] I didn't find the book to be a 'keeper'--although I was intrigued by the Guernsey setting--the collaboration of the two women authors was an interesting and unusual thing.
    It is important to have Something To Read whenever one leaves home for an appointment or outing!
