

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 29 October 2015

Autumn walk along our valley - part 1

I needed to clear my head this morning, so I got my husband to drop me at the top of the hill going over to Horeb, and walked home round the loop which looks across our valley.  As you can see it was overcast, but it stayed dry, and I didn't take a jacket as I knew I would end up carrying it most of the way.

Heading for derelict a couple of years back, this cottage and barns opposite have been bought at bargain prices and all being or are transformed into lovely homes with fabulous valley views.

The lane drops down the valley side for a little way, with a sharp corner where this little rivulet scampers down the hillside, through a culvert, and off on its merry way.

Autumnal colours as I look southwards (well, with a touch of east) to the bottom valley road heading towards home.  I was on the one which contours the hillside on the other side of the River Cothi though.

Umbellifers still blooming well, considering it is almost November!  I spotted some past-their-best Foxgloves too, Shining Cranesbill, Wild Strawberries and Red Campion still flowering too.  That will all come to an abrupt halt when the Winter From Hell arrives (the one they are predicting).

A little bit of green at last, and a pretty tree on the turn.  Across the valley the ash trees don't look so colourful and the ones around our land have lost their leaves already.

Back later with the 2nd half of the walk.


  1. All full of autumn, lovely photo's.

  2. We are finally getting some lovely Autumn colours here now, along with spring flowers! I picked a few wild strawberries last week but they were a bit tart.

  3. The misty weather makes everything look wonderful. If damp!
