

Jennie's recipes

Monday 19 October 2015

Being a Domestic Goddess is Hard Work - and final photos from Ynyslas

I'll start with a quick round-up and then add some more Ynyslas photos.

Starting the Pontack Sauce.  I was half asleep and didn't read the recipe to the end, and had put the ginger and spices in a muslin square.  Recipe says to put in loose and strain off later, so did that.

Slicing shallots made my eyes water!

I had bought a big box of English eating apples for £3, and try as I might, I was losing the battle to eat my way through them before they got over-ripe, so I turned a good few pounds into Country Mincemeat (recipes later).

The two books in use last week.  The Farmhouse Fare one I bought back in the 70s and it is the book I probably use most for all sorts of baking and preserves.

Cook's  treat!

10 days' crochet and the round cushion cover is finished.  However, I bought a down-filled cushion which although it is 16" width, is DEEP and so I need to try and extend behind and beyond the pretty frill.  I am still unhappy about the middle - which the instructions didn't help and when I do another one I shall do it to a different starter instruction.

A quick loaf of bread was bunged in the bread-maker (including lots of mixed seeds and some tasty oat and bran flour.  This loaf says everything about what I dislike about machine-made loaves - sides cooked more than the top, and I like a good crust.  When I am not so busy I bring it up to dough and then prove again outside and cook in the oven.

The finished sauce.  I am going to make another batch with the elderberries I have in the freezer and cook it all up again to fill the jars completely.

Sock wool on the winder now.  I bought this in Hay last year I think it was.  Now I need to relearn sock knitting on 4 needles as I've not done any for several years.

Some cheap fat quarters from the car boot sale yesterday.  Christmas projects in mind, and the little sprigged piece for the 70s hexagon quilt.

Back to Ynyslas now.  Sea and some rafts of clouds overhead.

The soft pastel colours of Aberdovey across the estuary.

Remains of beach machinery - use unknown.  I could only think it may have been for reeling in Seine nets when fishing?

A wind-ruffled crow.  Other birds were far out on the sands and U.F.O.s.

Aberdovey again.

Looking back towards Ynys-Hir, where the RSPB Nature Reserve is.

One last look across to the Lleyn peninsula.  We will be back.


  1. Well as a 'domestic goddess' hope you had a Nigella Lawson outfit on! I see you have got a 'swift' (may have completely wrong word there) anyway a winder for wool, are they any good? Bought a Xmas magazine yesterday but find suppliers for bits and bobs are a bit thin on the ground here, also have a hankering for TK Max and its pottery, pots and pans....

  2. The wool winder is one I inherited from Annie (along with a smaller one which needs mending). It has made SUCH a difference to wool-winding - I can remember mum having skeins around the backs of two chairs! I expect shopping is different where you are. We have a splendid TK-Maxx in town but I still have to go to Swansea if I want any fabric (or buy it on-line). Monday is a shut day for both small wool shops locally so I ordered some on line this morning, and am doing more of my shopping this way - as are so many I am sure.

  3. Oh Goddess I salute you. I could almost smell the kitchen. I could not fine any elderberries this year, but my pantry is groaning with preserves, I keep eyeing up the rosehips and then scurrying past muttering , next year to myself. I gave my breadmaker away and now make my bread by hand, unless it is a sticky dough and then it goes in the stand mixer.I got fed up with the inconsistency. Love the wool winder, I used to use my husbands hands but have not bought skeins of yarn for a long time.

  4. Thank you Pam. Sometimes I can get it together. The place looks like a bomb has hit it but there are some nice edibles . . . I have only made Rosehip Syrup a couple of times, and would love to do it again, but I have restricted myself to just making what is necessary rather than what I would like to make. Sock yarn now wound and first socky stitches cast on . . .

  5. Lovely making in the kitchen and elsewhere. I so love our beaches now , making the most of this bright weather..lovely pics

  6. The wool is beautiful and I can't wait to see the socks. Breathtaking scenery X

  7. Dotty's Daughter - I have just come on line to see How to Proceed with my socky toe (crocheted one), having got the basic bit right now (had to see a tutorial on Youtube to show me properly). The beaches are wonderful at the moment and I'd be down there every day if I wasn't busy!

    Rachel - I went blog-hopping this morning and found a "stash enhancement" that someone had bought at Yarndale. Oh, I was envious! I've wound that sock wool into a ball now, and cast on a knitted sock. Fabulous scenery - I would love to go back soon.

  8. I love the machinery in the sand photo. The whole place looks beautiful.

  9. I wonder if any of those houses up above Aberdovey are up for sale - what a fantastic view they must have.
    I'm like Pam and every year I say that next year I really will make Rose hip syrup.... still waiting for the right next year!

  10. Suzie - I'd love to know what it was for. Any suggestions?

    Sue - what a fab view eh? I would LOVE to live by the sea, but living there wouldn't be too practical for getting to either Sheffield (and possibly Bristol and/or Brighton for other children). Good for my lungs though . . .

  11. There you go Sue:

  12. SOme seriously tempting looking food on display there! As ever, my cackhandedness makes me the envy of the incapable of cooking society

  13. All the photos are great especialy the cooking ones but I like the last one the best.
    A lady with the gud dug on the beach ! Wonderful.

    cheers, parsnip

  14. Simon - good cooking is just practice. Honestly.

    parsnip - great place for walking dogs, and I have a friend who boxes her horse down to ride on the beach (DEEP envy here!)

  15. Your sauce looks great.
    We are like you and eating and cooking apples. I am getting fed up with peeling them and am running out of recipes to use. Your mincemeat sounds lovely.
    I love your standard lamp, I am looking for a vintage one for knitting in the evening. Why when you would like something to they go up in price.
    Fondly Michelle

  16. It all brings back such lovely memories BB - thanks for that.

  17. Michelle - we've had that old lamp many years - I think it may have been my husband's mum's originally. I will post up the Mincemeat recipe in my side bar, and add some apple cake recipes for you to try.

    Pat - I would say it hasn't changed at all. Still magical.
