

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 3 October 2015

Knitting teddies

As promised, here is the teddy I shall be knitting up for Annie.  At present, I've just knitted him a cherry red jumper, with no Fair Isle as it's been half a lifetime since I last attempted that!  I must try again though.

This is how far Annie got.  One teddy head, embroidered and sewn up and stuffed.

At the bottom of the bag I found this, which I think is a 2nd head started . . .

This is actually a darker brown than it looks in the photo.  She had already knitted a teddy jumper, in the alternative pattern with cabel and bobbles (must learn how to do cable).

My efforts (unironed).  Much brighter because of the flash too.  It's a nice cherry red. Pure wool and lovely to knit with.  I needed a 2nd ball, and ordered it from Lanark Mills, who promptly despatched it and it was even the same batch number.

As I was gardening this afternoon I could hear the whoosh of a hot air balloon somewhere in the valley.  He got high enough and I forsake my grubbing under the overgrown roses for the roots of Ground Elder and Bindweed, and came out and saw him drifting peacefully away back towards Milo, where the chap hails from.

When my mum lived over that way she would mention seeing the balloon again and it was quite an occasion for her.

This morning we viewed an auction, went around the Antiques Fair at the Botanic Gardens and then went back to the auction to bid on something.  This lovely old bit was something I just had to have when I saw it on my friend Liz's stall.  It is probably from the deserts of Arabia, where an Arab horse would have worn it .

Back tomorrow with some photos of the Botanic Gardens and a couple from the Antiques Fair.


  1. He is a bit of a sad looking chap in the pattern photo, His head is fairly big compared to your hand as well, look forward to seeing him finished :-)

  2. I once knitted a Postman Pat, but his neck went all funny and he never stood straight, but daughter still loved him.

  3. Seems to be balloon season, folk going up there for champagne suppers. And welcome to it, the thought fills me with horror

  4. Simon - I would have to think long and hard before I went up in one, as I'm not keen on heights!

    Marlene - "his neck went all funny" - hmm, I can see that happening with mine!

    Dawn - that's what I thought. I have been using 4mm/8 needles as stated in the pattern, but the body looked far too tiny and so I am going to try a bigger size - not sure how big yet though. I don't know if Annie adapted the pattern, although there is another head started on size 8/4mm needles so perhaps she started this when she was on chemo and used the wrong size needles?

  5. Cute little guy, good luck on the finish. That's an amazing bit-the tales it could tell us if it could communicate; I love old stories of faraway places and cultures.

  6. The teddy will be adorable no matter what! Love the wool for the jumper

  7. Teddy bear knitting looks fine, mine always end up with wonky faces. At one stage had to make rag dolls for one of my grand daughters, and the faces never looked right, there is an art there I never mastered!

  8. Is that the Weldon bear pattern from Ravelry? He looks gorgeous!

  9. Look forward to seeing the finished teddy bear - he looks so cute in the photo! I used to knit hand puppets for the children when they were little.

    You definitely wouldn't get me up in a hot air balloon - I don't like heights either :(

  10. Teddy looks to be taking on a personality - important with teddies I think.
    I love that bit - fascinating.

  11. Hi you .. the teddy is so cute! Thankyou for visiting my new Blog Vicky's Vintage ... Make Do and Mend I am going to try and keep it up .. its nice to have a wander through blogland during the long winter evenings.

  12. What a lovely face the teddy has, he looks very huggable:) as for hot air balloons I love to see them but there is no way I would ever go up in one!

  13. Love the red colour for the jumper, and a very handsome teddy too!

  14. Glad you like him. I spent 5 hours knitting over the weekend, and have done the front of the body, so progress is being made . . .
