

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 19 December 2015

It's a wee bit wet out there . . .

We have had many rainy days recently, saturating the ground, so when a band of heavy prolonged rain hit, this was the result.  When we set out to pick our daughter up from the train station, the river was already across the bottom lane by the Mill, so we had to cross the bridge and turn left and then up the very steep hill on the far side of the valley.  We were gone a while, and knew that it would probably be across the lane this side on our return and came back the top way, behind the house.

Just before dark, Tam and I had a walk down the hill to see how bad it was.  As you can see, it is pretty dire.  The Cothi hasn't risen to these levels in a few years, and there is more rain to come . . .

The river backs up onto the lane, helped by the stream (below) which has spilled out over the bank as it can't get away through the culvert beneath the road.

Things aren't looking good for our neighbour in the bungalow.  The river is nearly in his garden where it passes on the far side of the bungalow, and where the ford used to be at the bottom of his garden, the river will by now have joined up with this "lake".

The link fence around the caravan is normally 20 feet away from the edge of the river bank . . .  I fear it is worse this morning and more heavy rain is due tomorrow.

The people who were supposed to view last week (and cancelled) asked if we flooded here.  Fortunately our house is a good 100 feet up the valley side and no, we don't flood.

We have to go out later on, but will take the top road out.  I will try and get some photos of the floodplain of the Towy (which the Cothi joins).  I should imagine there is really bad flooding from Carmarthen to Llandeilo and then on up to Llandovery, as it was bad yesterday when we drove home.


  1. No floods up here I think its all running down to you, we have said many a time we are glad to be at the top of the mountain and not at the bottom, it really did throw it down yesterday, weather warnings of heavy rain again Monday and Tuesday, today we have a rest bite, There is so much mud about and the animals are covered in it, nothing we can do, I hope you have a lovely dry holiday season with your daughter :-)

  2. It scared me a bit yesterday, the water pouring down the drains, huge puddles on the drive and water pouring down our lane thankfully away from us..... Keep safe xx

  3. Dawn - yup, sensible living up high. No way would I buy a property on a flood plain. We have to go to Swansea later - the Towy valley will be completely under water.

    Maria - it does get scary when there is so much run-off from the fields and the lanes turn into rivers themselves. Glad you stayed dry in your house.

  4. Amazing photos of that flooding BB. I find it all quite terrifying. Fortunately we do not live where it floods although our fields flood. But I do hope your neighbour in tht bungalow doesn't flood particularly so near the Christmas season.

  5. It's no fun I have family living around the Somerset Levels, their houses were safe but the devastation was horrendous, they to had so many roads cut off, simple journeys took ages.

  6. Oh no it's not looking good and yes just saw the weather report and it's looking horrible for Mon and Tues too. So glad you are not affected. Keep safe.

  7. There was a river flowing down the main road through the village yesterday morning and in some places the road is covered. We are well up above road level and on a fairly steep hill, a few houses now have their flood boards up at their doors.

  8. keep safe everyone. we havent had much rain here yet just a shower this afternoon. hope it misses your neighbour and it misses all of u. bb very sensible being up higher. pattypan x

  9. I wonder if your would-be viewers are waiting to see if your house does suffer from flooding before they take things any further; hopefully they will come back for a viewing when the water has gone down again. My heart goes out to all those who are so badly affected by flood damage.

  10. Amazing photos - do hope the worst doesn't happen to your neighbours but glad to read you are high enough up to escape. Feel so sorry for people over the country so badly affected by flooding. Stay safe.
