

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 9 January 2016

An anniversary and a gift

My husband and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary today.  As we weren't feeling 100%, still both suffering with a rather nasty cold which is lingering, we didn't feel like going very far afield, and so we decided to have a wander round Newcastle Emlyn and lunch at the pub at Cenarth.  There is still ONE left open!  Mind you, we were the only customers, so I don't know how long it will last.

The river in spate - this is the River Teifi, which Cenarth straddles.  It is hard to imagine anyone out in a coracle on the river today, as it was running at quite a rate.  Mind you, the coracles were used for fishing and sheep-dipping, and January is not the month for either . . .

It wasn't raining until we left the pub and I ran the 100 yds or so to get some photos, when it promptly began to rain pretty hard, so you will just have to make do with some happy snapper type photos and nothing arty farty today!

Anyway, as I mentioned, we went to Newcastle Emlyn before Cenarth, and I dragged my long suffering husband into the patchwork shop.  His eyes had glazed over even before we had left the first room, but since he had offered to buy me an anniversary gift, it was necessary that he stayed to pay for it!

I bought myself some material too.  This pre-printed panel is beautiful and the minute I got home I began pinning it up to some batting . . .

Two fat quarters of material with a lovely design on.  I just wish I'd bought more.

At £4 this bag of scraps looked good value and has lots of goodies in it which await us being snowed in so I can craft away with no guilt.  (You've seen the forecast I assume - a rerun of the winter of '63 if they are to be believed.)

This is the gift my husband bought me.  I picked it up and just couldn't put it down, though I hate paying full price for books and can probably get it cheaper on-line. . .  (Just checked and I can't - on Amazon anyway - so I feel a bit better about that!)

There are some lovely things to sew, like this owl.  I already have the acetate quilting template for this, so no excuse not to have a go.

I love this cheerful little Robin 9-patch quilt too.  Of course, the few bits of red fabric I have in my stash all clash horribly, so another outing will be necessary if I do go ahead and make it. . .

It's not just a quilting book, and I thought this aran-weight shawl was lovely.

If I ever have grand daughters, this embroidered and appliqued quilt is a must.  Isn't it delightful?  I can dream . . .


  1. Congratulations to you both BB - I have an OH that glazes over at the mere sight of a craft shop. But what a lovely present. A re-run of 1962 is it - thought so - too many berries in the bushes and I remember the Winter of 1962 it was the winter we lived at Uppingham and dad worked for the local breakdown garage and used to go out in all sorts to retrieve people from the snow. We had just moved to Uppingham after the birth of my brother in the September. I hope for everyone's sake it is not but I have had that feeling in my bones that its going to be a cold un. Glad Daniel contacted you the other day and keep snug and warm and enjoy the crafting. Love to you both. Pattypanxx

  2. Sorry to learn that you are both still feeling the effects of the cold germs. They can make one feel dreadfully stodgy.
    It is raining here--again--and the creeks do rise quickly. I checked the weather forecast moments ago and the temperature is meant to take a drastic dip tonight and remain cold and gloomy for several days.
    I do like your finds at the quilt shop! [I would be most reluctant to take J. into one!] Re your scraps of red fabric--with such large spaces of white or off-white background in the robin quilt, seemingly off-match fabrics can make for an interesting effect. I'm guessing each small red patch might be only 2 inches [?] I wish postage wasn't so expensive--I have a fair stash of red bits which I would love to share.

  3. What a lovely haul from your patchwork shop. I remember that 1963 winter, trudging over the fields deep in snow drifts to feed my pony, I hope anyone that has predicted a cold winter is very wrong.
    Hope you both recover from your colds and have got plenty of logs in if it is indeed cold X

  4. What a lovely haul from your patchwork shop. I remember that 1963 winter, trudging over the fields deep in snow drifts to feed my pony, I hope anyone that has predicted a cold winter is very wrong.
    Hope you both recover from your colds and have got plenty of logs in if it is indeed cold X

  5. Congratulations to you both & what a fantastic collection of goodies. That book looks brilliant, I'm off to investigate further x

  6. 28 years what a great milestone to reach, Lovely fabric all of them, I looked at the book last week but resisted congratulations to you both :-)

  7. Congratulations! Good that you managed to go out for a change of scenery, despite not feeling so well.
    The river looks really wild and angry. Definitely not the weather for a trip in a coracle!

    Your patchwork finds are lovely.
    If ever you are in Tavistock, there`s a brilliant patchwork/ needlecaft shop in the Butter Market which you would love.

  8. Happy anniversary. Lovely materials and a great present from hubby. Hope you are both feeling a little better.

  9. Happy anniversary. Oh what lovely goodies , hope we don't get snowed in though

  10. Congratulations! Ours is on the 19th, 42 years, but hubs will be away working.

  11. Belated Happy Anniversary - hope you are both feeling a lot better soon.

    Some lovely goodies on display there :) Remember the winter of 63 and coming home from school for weeks on end with snow piled high on the pavemements and grass verges! These days I suspect the country would grind to a halt if we had snow that bad!

  12. R. Robin - many thanks. It's a slow business, getting better, but we are functioning slightly better now! I remember 63 too, as living in Southampton we just NEVER had snow, and certainly not for months on end and 10 foot drifts up the side of the house!

    Irene - congrats for yours on the 19th - 42 years is a lot to clock up. Sorry your husband won't be there with you.

    Maria - Personally I would prefer snow to rain as it's causing problems with outdoor jobs and making more outdoor jobs too!

    Suzie - I just wish I had looked at the book more thoroughly and bought some red fabrics on the day as I'd like to make the Robin hanging.

    DW - I like Tavistock. When I first mooted trying to get to Devon (again, it didn't work first time) Tavistock is one of the places I had earmarked.

    Dawn - the book has some lovely projects in it. I know me though, never enough time.

    Jo - I am going to have a crafternoon, but first I need to do a full day's work in a morning to justify it!

    Thelma - I can remember a letter in the paper back in September and a beekeeper said is would be like 2010 again as their bees had stopped up the hive entrance by 90%! Just saying!

    Sharon - thanks for thinking of me with your stash, but postage is SO dear, and I am going to use a little of my Christmas bonus from the Unit (which did well) to buy some reds. You're right the patches are 2" (well 2 1/2" with turn-in) so I won't need much and I am already planning a trip to the REALLY well-stocked patchwork shop in Lampeter (Calico Kate). I shall, however, go alone! I need to crack on with works in progress first though . . .

    Pattypan - I think anyone who lived through the 63 winter will never forget it. I think 1947 was the same (dad talked about that one) although there was rationing and very little fuel so families must have been perished that year.
