

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 30 January 2016

Getting out for walks again - Part I - Colomendy walk

Firstly, if any of you follow Dawn over on Doing It For Ourselves In Wales blog, she is going to be quiet for a while as a log transporter managed to take out three poles holding the phone lines where she is.  Knowing how BT and Openreach have a rather tenuous relationship, and Openreach sub-contract the polework out (we've had folk down from Scotland and Newcastle in the past), she may be gone some time.  The goats haven't had their babies yet, and the Alpacas have had to come into the barn to dry off as they have Mud Fever (which is what horses often get - the bacterium lurks in the soil and waits for an oportunity).  It has been an exceptionally wet winter (following a summer ditto).  I hope to get up and see her next week, so I will keep you posted on here.

As you can see, we had sunshine today.  I have finally been able to get back to doing a little walking again.  I have done two short walks on Thursday and Friday, so today I raised the bar and took myself out and around Colomendy, which is an hour and a half's walking, with several good hills - including starting off up our very steep one behind the house.  This is the view across the Park field.

Looking across in the direction of  Dryslwyn Castle at the top of our hill.

Black Mountain in the misty far distance.

Some of a little herd of breeding donkeys, who have good winter shelter and plenty of haylage to eat.

Looking WNW across the valley which runs parallel to ours and goes up to Horeb and then Brechfa.

Looking in a SE direction, the flood plain of the Towy Valley above Nantgaredig.  Standard flooding for the time of year.

Of course, there are Snowdrops to be seen all along the lanes now.

Daffodils about to join them - I think these are the little wild Daffodils.

There were quite a few Primroses out too.  It's a sheltered lane along by Colomendy.

More snowdrops.  I am short on words tonight as I've been awake since 3.45 a.m. this morning so feeling slightly bejeebered.  More tomorrow.

The header photo, btw, is half way down the Colomendy Hill, looking towards Merlin's Hill and Carmarthen.


  1. Hi BB

    What a lovely walk glad to see your energy coming back. Thanks for letting us all know about Dawn at "Doing it for ourselves". Hope everything is alright for her and that the Alpacas are soon back up to strength. Not good timing on behalf of the lorry driver especialy if BT do not get their butts into gear and especially with the goats being due to kid. If and when you see her pass on my best wishes - I wondered where she was. Hope you are okay and those snowdrops look lovely. Take care.



  2. Lovely views. Thank you for the Dawn info. Local TV here has been featuring people waiting for BT/Openreach - some for months!

  3. Well, we had to get a line across our river, as BT said they couldn't possibly do it - it was too dangerous . . . Hmmm, combined aged of 136 and we managed it!

  4. Spring really is on the way in your beautiful hills and valleys! That must have been a wonderful walk, especially as you haven`t felt well for so long and are now getting better.

    Sorry to hear that Dawn is suffering as you did with the dreaded BT/Openreach.I hope they mend her line faster than they did yours!

  5. Wish Dawn all the best from me too. Love your photos - particularly those spring flowers - February tomorrow - soon be Spring.

  6. Glad you are getting some walks in, it looks like spring is on the way in your part of Wales. Bad news about Dawn's phone line, I was looking forward to my goat namesake's coming birth;).

  7. Stunning photo's. Thanks for the up date on Dawn, I was wondering where she was.

  8. A lovely walk and gorgeous photos, those donkeys look interesting.

  9. DW - they have told her they don't consider it urgent work!!!

    Pat - I am looking forward to February - January is a month to be endured!

    Thelma - got another short one in again today. I need to improve my fitness levels and it helps my asthma. It's good to get out and see the countryside too.

    Marlene - Glad you like the photos. I'll keep you posted ref. Dawn, as we're on Facebook together.

    Suzie - they are quite nicely kept donkeys and have foals most years.
