

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 4 February 2016

All change

These pine trees overlooking our paddock have been our neighbours for years.  Yesterday a bod turned up to reduce them to firewood and woodchips.

He was obviously a very skilled tree surgeon and had no fear of heights.  He cut the branches off as he climbed (he was well attached by ropes to the tree.)  His chainsaw dangled, purring, from his waist as he manouvred, ready to be picked up and used again.  The branches were dropped to his man on the ground, who fed them straight into the chipping machine.

Up the tallest of the trees (two smaller ones had already come down).  He would lower himself ten feet or so at a time down the tree, and slice through the trunk, which had a rope attached held by the guy on the ground.  As he cut right through, the chap on the ground would pull it out of the way (and hopefully not onto his head!)

A close-up of the procedure.  Level with his left should is the starter cut he had made with the chainsaw.

After - a different skyline.  Fortunately there are still two pine trees left which we can use as a weather gauge for how blowy it is out there.

We had friends round for tea and cake and a good chat yesterday.  Most of this home made (bread, Apple gingerbread cake, Sugar Biscuits and some more Dark Raspberry Chocolate and Cranberry Bisuits.  It was lovely to catch up on their news.

We discussed areas we were consider moving too, and the dearth of interesting properties on the market at the moment, especially in Herefordshire.  I hope this will improve a good deal come March, when the market traditionally kicks off again.  They asked what we would do if we got a buyer but couldn't find anywhere.  This is our last move, and the property HAS to be right for us.  We would rent somewhere and put our stuff into storage - although putting the cats in a cattery isn't ideal whilst we did that - but at least then we could look at leisure and be in a very strong position when buying.

The bias binding for the hexy runner arrived yesterday so I spent a good while yesterday evening pinning it in place.  I'm now tacking it whenever I am sat down long enough.

We have a house viewing this weekend, so have been busy tidying up inside and out.  I went to Matalan for scented candles - £3 each -  I was not prepared to pay £18.99 for a Yankee candle!  Whilst in Matalan I saw this duvet set - SO pretty, and I couldn't resist it.  I had been looking for a new one for a while now and this was just perfect.

I hope I can sleep tonight - I have had two VERY bad night's sleep and feel quite desperate.  I was still awake at 2 a.m. last night.  My mind was just going round and round about all sorts of worries and lists, and a rather petty comment from someone I had considered a friend - it was the last thing I needed on top of other worries.  Time to move on I think. . . . all change.


  1. If I did that, if the only person killed was me it would be a result.

  2. I have to say, waving a chainsaw about 60 or so feet up isn't something I would join a queue for either Simon!

  3. I watched, in awe, a few days ago as that very operation took place a few houses away. The smell of cut pine was wafting along the street as was the dust. I took them next to no time to get the boughs off, the trees felled and cut into logs sized rounds. Once tat lot has seasoned it will make a massive wood pile.

  4. its great watching skilled people work

  5. Fingers crossed toes plaited for your viewing - it will happen when the timing is right. So you have an altered aspect from the window now the two trees have gone - I would miss them. Love your hexie quilt you really have been busy. I am hoping in the next few weeks to get started. The house done and the gas inspection completed. maybe now I can play. Looks as though you had a veritable feast for your friends. Love the Butterfly quilt really pretty. Hope you get a better nights sleep tonight and that you can relax a little. Take care. Pattypanxx

  6. Sad about the trees, but these 'wood surgeons' are pretty spectacular. Also fingers crossed for the sale of your house, it is all a great adventure. X

  7. Good luck with the house viewing. So sad about the tree but watching the tree surgeon at work must have been rather interesting! Afternoon tea looks very delicious and I love the duvet set from Matalan (so pretty).

    1. Sorry also meant to say hope you are sleeping a bit better.

  8. I love watching skilled people work. They make it seem almost like a dance. Altered skylines are a change that our synapses quickly reroute onto the new view, in no time it will seem as if that was the sight all along.

  9. Oh that's a very dangerous job, but they must get some great views! The photo of the table all laid out looks like a film set-so beautiful.
    Hope the viewing has gone well, sorry you couldn't sleep. Very pretty duvet set.
