

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Not quite a wasted morning

On Monday we had an appointment to deliver something we'd sold to a chap at Crickhowell.  I should have followed my gut instinct which told me we were on a hiding to nowhere after previous meetings had been cancelled, delayed etc.  Anyway, it was a wasted trip as it would seem the chap was all talk and no trousers and had cancelled on the morning (email after we'd set off!) and then when we got there, never offered to come and meet us and pay up.  We were somewhat miffed as it's a round trip of 100 miles and two gallons of fuel . . .  However, his £20 deposit covered that, fortunately.  We decided to travel home via Llangors lake and crannog.  I've just realized I never took a photo of the crannog (oops) so you will have to go HERE instead.

Anyway, the photo above is the lake through the trees.

This photo shows you how it looked up close, with Pen-y-Fan in the distance.  A really lovely spot.

The information board tells you a bit about the crannog construction.  You may have remembered a Time Team dig there a few years ago now.

Some more Mollyblobs, which were very adventurous, growing in water over a foot deep.

Looking across the lake to the small church we have visited in the past - Llangesty Talyllyn.

The lake is a popular place for canoeists.  These folk were having a lesson.

Plenty of wild birds too.  Barnacle geese . . . .

Coots and Moorhens . . . (Moorhen has red, a Coot doesn't is how I remember which is which).

Above and below, this delightful Manderin Duck was scooting about at a great rate of knots and looking for a mate.  Unfortunately he was the only one on the lake!  I've seen Manderin Ducks before on Brecon canal, so perhaps he should try his luck there.

Photos tomorrow of the Brecon Beacons as we had another unexpected detour on the way home.


  1. That is downright rude bad manners as well as annoying, glad to see you made something of the trip

    1. I agree. In his defence he did sound very apologetic when he asked "had we come far?" (knowing we were Carmarthen-based) and I said, "Oh, just a 100 mile round trip . . ."

  2. Oh those mollyblobs - they have made my morning.

    1. I shall try and get some more photos of them when I am out and about.

  3. Such an interesting and informative post...thank you for sharing.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, though I cheated a bit on the "information"!

  4. Near my granny's old house near Brecon, which was under the North face of Pen Y Fan

    1. What a lovely place to live Simon. When we were toodling along a quiet lane there was an old boy in his garden, with his grandchildren playing on swings. The sort of picture which stays in your mind.

  5. Jim had the experience several years ago of setting out to deliver a large machine half a day's journey away. The buyer phoned me hours after J. left to say he had 'changed his mind.' At least he offered to reimburse for the fuel!
    Sadly, one has to become rather untrusting in the business of buying and selling.
    Your photo of the old church by the lake is stunning--all shades of grey and misty reflections.
    That drake is a stunner--I hope he finds a worthy mate!

    1. My gut feeling has only ever let me down once. I should have listened to it this time! Glad you like the photo of the church by the lake. I shall go back when there is colour in the landscape again and take another.

  6. What a wonderful post today and I love the story.
    The photo with the canoe is terrific with the little pops of red.
    The misty church by the lake is ready for a movie.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I am always very critical of my photos (after a friend tore to shreds what I thought was a good one) and I hadn't even noticed the dots of red on the canoe photo. I will have to have the misty church as a header photo for a while.

  7. Aren't gut feelings just the cat's meow when we listen to them !~! I'm glad his deposit bought the fuel if not the time. The Duck photos have been Pinned to my Animals board; I love that Manderin Drake's coloring-may he find a mate and treat her well.

  8. Lynda - my gut feeling said this chap was never in the Military (or if he was, he certainly didn't reach Captain, as he claimed!) and my OH thought the same, having had a military career of 22 years. We try to give folks the benefit of the doubt, but DOUBT was bit with this chap!

    Isn't the wee Manderin drake a beauty? He would make an excellent mate I am sure, as he was showing off no end and very attentive to the Mallard ladies!
