

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Climbing The Skirrid

First-off - the weather on my birthday!  Just as well we didn't go out for the day as we normally do!

5 minutes later . . . pouring rain, hailstones, sleet . . . it was like that on and off all day!

Anyway, we now have our eldest daughter home for a week.  Yesterday we went to Abergavenny Fleamarket and after that drove a little bit further so we could climb up the Skirrid, all 486 metres of it!  We've driven past many times but never been in a position to stop and explore it.

We had the option of amble or scramble.  However, if you wanted the views, at some point you had a steep climb and so we opted for scramble.  Here are Windflowers and Celendines which carpeted the woodland.

The first Bluebells.

A long-abandoned wall was verdant with moss.

A huge boulder nuzzles against the wall.  One of the ones (there were many) which had broken off the crags and rolled downhill at some time in the past.

Looking S-E, above and below.

Almost due South, where the Severn runs into the Bristol channel.

Looking West towards the Sugarloaf.

Looking North along the slope.

Looking back along the ridge, Southwards again.

I  traced the line of this lane heading NN-W.  It leads (out of sight) to Llanvihangel Crucorney.

I loved the Celendine meadow at the bottom of the slope, especially the little S-shaped squiggle of colour at the bottom.

Looking east towards the Brecon Beacons.

Eastwards, towards Herefordshire and on the horizon, the Malvern Hills.

Finally, heading homewards - T and K.


  1. Looks like a good day out, must have been a very steep climb though. Love the bleak weather photos, it can get so dismal when the heavens open up.

    1. Gosh, yes it was bleak alright! We still have my birthday treat day to enjoy but it will probably be after Tam goes home. The climb up the Skirrid was incredibly steep and kept on going too! I was surprised I made it!

  2. Looks like a good day out, must have been a very steep climb though. Love the bleak weather photos, it can get so dismal when the heavens open up.

  3. Some wonderful photos;I bet you were pooped after that!. Where is your header photo of?

    1. Louise - yup. My legs were feeling too tired to keep changing gear so I let my husband drive us back closer to Brecon, then we swopped and I drove the rest of the way. The header photo is from the trig point on the Skirrid, looking NN-W with the Black Mountains on the left (and Hay-on-Wye beyond them out of sight) and the Golden Valley in that dip in the distance.

  4. Hope you had a nice birthday despite the weather! Photos of your walk look great, very interesting too as we're off to Wales this weekend! Our first trip to Wales, we're staying near Monmouth, plan on doing some nice walks in the Wye Valley on Saturday and were hoping to head to Abergavenny and do Blorenge on Sunday. Any places of interest to visit are appreciated! x

    1. Emma - this is very near the Blorenge - sort of t'other side of Abergavenny. So you could do this if your legs are up to it after the Blorenge!

  5. Lovely views and I am sure well worth the climb. That rain was coming down in stair rods though.

    1. Stair rods it was Pat, and SO chilly out there too. I was glad to be home indoors for once! The views were stupendous. There was rain Newport way, but we got back to the car before we shared a few spots of it.

  6. Just catching up...

    What a wonderful birthday walk and such views! I love the celandine meadow.
