

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Sowing and Sewing . . .

Although I had felt poorly on Monday, yesterday's sunshine lured me out into the garden.  My first jobs were to clean off the plastic cover for the seedstack, and then the one on the little cold frame.  I set the seed stack up against the south facing wall in the yard, just to one side of the door to mum's old flat in the Dairy.  I weighted down the base with two slabs of concrete, as when we have had a blow in the past, I have had it upended.

First of all I planted up the bargain Pansies I bought from Tesco earlier in the week, then I sewed some Scarlet Emperor runner beans, using seeds I had saved from my plants last year, which in turn were saved from plants the previous year - you get the plan?    Then I cleaned out a long thin planter which had had Pansies in it last year, and planted up one end with the first batch of Pak Choi (I sew them regularly throughout the growing season.  Those I can't use quickly enough, I wash, chop and freeze for stir fries later in the year).  The other end had the first batch of Spring Onions (ditto).  Then I used some multi-pot trays which had had Pansies in (those got planted up yesterday - I got 2 big trays reduced to £1 each in Tesco - they'd forgotten to water them by the look of things but all have survived).  Into each cell went a single Dwarf French Bean.

Then I had a rest, and as we now have Amazon Prime and a Firestick, and Series 2 of "Outlander" starts on Saturday, I thought I would have a rerun of Series 1, though to be honest, I have read the first book several times and practically know it off by heart!  So, as I relaxed (still not feeling 100%), I picked up the hexis and sewed the last of the 70s "gardens" together.  I have bought some gorgeous materials from Strawberry Fayre at Chagford.  I first came across her stall at the Friday Fleamarket at Chagford a few years ago, when I met up with blogging friend Em, from Dartmoor Ramblings, who is taking a break from blogging at the moment.  Anyway, I have had several orders from Strawberry Fayre since, and they are excellent.  This time I bought:

All the yellows - half a dozen cheerful colours for my stash.

This was one of their Bargain Bundles - a selection of various prints.  Just what I needed.

A Bargain Bundle of plains.

Then it was back outside to do some more work.  A bit of sweeping the ash keys in the yard.  Some deep weeding of the other arm of the L-shaped raised bed which edges the lean-to "Back Place" - last year it was a mass of Nasturtiums, but I would rather I grew something edible in it.  Anyway, an hour's weeding cleared 2/3 of it, and the plastic cold frame is now in there, suitable weighted down at either end to stop it having flying lessons.

Then I had to have another rest, so I sat in the sunshine on the patio with my EBB biography and a cool drink.  The sun was really quite warm (unlike today, when we are back to Grey and scudding clouds).

I got my husband to move the black plastic which has been covering much of the vegetable plot all winter, and quickly dug that over.  NOW watch the weeds spring forth!

Today I am feeling feeble again, my brain has gone walkabouts so I shall just potter about.  I need to do some baking for the weekend, and then I really SHOULD do some housework, as it  doesn't ever go away . . . .  Breakfast first though.


  1. I had a couple of days outside doing bits and bobs I think today its going to be more indoors, looks like you have plenty of sewing to keep you busy :-)

  2. Hope you feel better soon. I hate the in between feeling when you're not bed bound but you're not fully fit. You do right getting fresh air and rest. Having said that you got a lot more done than some would hAve if they were off colour. Take care of yourself.

  3. Nothing better than contemplating seed packets and new unused material if you are feeling under the weather. I never see a seed packet now without thinking of you. Get better soon.

  4. Sometimes we all need to just sit in the sun.
    Looking at seed catalogs always makes me happy. Even though were I live and my health I can't plant a garden,
    But it doesn't mean I can't look and dream.
    Feel better soon.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Sometimes I think contemplating the work that needs doing is exhausting, but you must be quite strong to go out and plant seeds,though the spring urge must be strong. Look after yourself ;)

  6. Hopefully mending now. Just had googly eyes today!! Thank you for your comments, and Pat, it's nice to know that I am associated with seed packets : )

  7. My seed catalogs arrive in January and they are a cheery sight coming as they do when we are completely blanketed by snow. I think the only thing nicer than all those great fabric bundles was the fact they were bargains. Hope you are feeling well again. Take care from me in Ottawa, Canada.
