

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 24 May 2016

A Stroll Around Tenby - part 1

This will be light on words again as we have a sunny day and I really must get back out to the garden and get my runner beans in, amongst all the tidying and weeding.  Yesterday we had a day off and had lunch in Narberth, then on to the seaside at Tenby.

First glimpse of the sea, down a side street.

To our backs was the main church in the town, St Mary's.

Another side road - this had been empty for a second whilst I pressed the shutter.  In that second, someone came around the corner and another man came out of his house!

Looking across the bay towards Rhossili Downs and Worms Head on the Gower.

Looking the other way, Caldey Island.

St Catherine's Island, which was a Zoo at some point in its history.  We were too mean to pay to go and explore!

Some of the beautiful Regency houses overlooking the sea.  You would need deep pockets to buy one of these!  Unsurprisingly, they are well-tiled to keep out the weather.

Wildlife . . .  I was about 3 feet away from him and he not the least bit bothered!

A similar thing has occurred here as at Llansteffan, with a sort of Lagoon scenario going on.  I'm not sure if the Council has been at work or whether that big surge we had a couple of years back was responsible.  It ripped all the dunes out at Pembrey, so may have done similarly here.

Tree Mallow and Thrift making the most of the warm rocks and sheltered spot.

Now THAT'S what you call a garden wall!!

An inviting set of steps lead up to a door into a private garden.

Wild flowers have got a good hold in the stonework, keeping their faces to the sun.

More tomorrow.


  1. Lovely set of photos, those Regency houses in Tenby and their attached gardens are beautiful.

  2. Expensive too - we saw one (not on this part) at £750k!!

  3. I love Tenby and try to get there a few times each year, the coloured houses and the surprising tiny gardens and porches full of flowers. There is something new to see on every visit.

    1. We enjoy going there too Pam. A shame we stopped for lunch in Narberth (rip-off prices in what seemed to be a humble cafe!) as fish and chips for two in Tenby would have been half the price! Parking is so cheap too - just 50p!

  4. WHat a glorious town, I had no idea it was that attractive!

    1. It's lovely - bright houses and fab beaches, and little side streets which prompt you to explore.

  5. Hello Belle!

    I love your blog...

    Some weeks ago I came across a post you made in 2011 saying that you love to listen to Tell a Tale "Lorna Doone" cassette whilst seem to be the only person in the whole world (!) who has this cassette!! I am very keen to find a copy for my son, who although 24 still hankers after his lost copy...Is there any way that you can help me make a copy...I would be more than happy to do whatever or pay whatever is necessary (or more) to be able to surprise my son with this!! Thank you for any help you can offer!! Esther in Burgundy

  6. Hello Serge. I'll have to go through the cupboard it "should" be in and see who made it in the first place and see if I can do a search for you.

  7. Back again Esther (Sorry, was reading the wrong name!) Try Amazon - they have several different copies listed and I am sure you must be able to buy one through them. If not, I would be happy to loan you my old copy for you to record. It's still one of my favourite stories, first read in childhood.

  8. The last time we went to Tenby, we lost the car, took us ages to find it, lovely beach.

  9. Marlene - we always use the multi storey (that's the 50p one!) The beach is fab though.
