

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Bluebell walk in Green Castle Woods

I missed out on a bluebell walk last year, so was doubly determined to get one under my belt this spring.  We normally go to Dinefwr Castle Woods, but our eldest daughter had suggested Green Castle Woods instead this year.  I've only been there once before, so don't really know the layout, and made the mistake of turning left (we had turned right before) to explore in that direction.  It was all newish woodland - 10 or 15 years old - where they hoped that the bluebells would spread from the remaining stretches along the old field boundaries.

This rather vertically-challenged oak tree was in the centre of a field, looking across the countryside in the vague direction of Carmarthen (which was out of sight behind the hills, and to the left a bit if I am honest).  The many trees without leaves yet are all Ash.  We have a lot of Ash in Carmarthenshire, and it is often June before we have a full complement of trees with summer foliage.

Above and below, unfurling fiddle-heads of ferns beside the paths.

Below: I loved this view!

Anyway, it was very warm and humid, and neither of us felt very well - heavy legs and headaches, so K headed back to the car.  Determined to find swathes of bluebells, I carried on and was rewarded.

Their perfume was amazingly strong.

One of several badger sets I passed.  There were even bigger ones which I was standing on to take this photo.

The paths were delightful, and embroidered by Celendines.

Early Purple Orchid in a sunny patch in the woods.  Such a vivid colour.

At about this point, the humidity really got to me and I had to use my Ventolin inhaler.  I was soaked in perspiration - wet hair, streaming face etc and for two pins would have stripped to my undies, had no-one been about, but it is a popular dog-walking area.  I did not feel well AT ALL and all plans to drive on to the beach at Llansteffan were promptly dropped.

I walked on, resting whilst I took a few more photos, and whilst appreciating the beauty of my surroundings, I just wanted to get out in the fresh air and catch a breeze and cool down.  I went Right off Bluebells! and their perfume became overwhelming.

That was a shame, as it was so beautiful and tempted one to linger.

One final photo of Stitchwort and Bluebells, and then I was in the fresh air again, and never was I so glad to get back to the car and sit down.  I gave myself the afternoon off.

Enjoy the photos.  I will head for Dinefwr woods another time, as you can catch the breeze better there.


  1. What a beautiful walk, you transported me their with you x

  2. I enjoyed the bluebells but so sorry you were not well. Take care.

    1. Mending now, I am glad to say. As you are "expat" I dare say you don't have bluebells where you are.

  3. Wonderful carpet of blue. I was disappointed there were not more at Skimmer Island but have since spotted more. Love that they seek to appear just as the daffs are dying off.

    1. Nature has it all covered, doesn't she?! I was surprised how the Celendines were still flowering strongly - though they were later this year due to the cold start.

  4. What can I say?....just

    1. I'm sure there is somewhere near where you are to enjoy too.

  5. What a stunning bluebell wood! Beautiful.
    Lovely to see celandines still decorating the pathways and very special to see some Early Purples.

  6. I hope you're feeling much better now. Your photographs are beautiful. X

  7. I love bluebells and your photos of them in woodland show their deep colour to perfection. I could almost smell their perfume - but I do wonder if it was that perfume which affected your breathing and caused the headaches; it can be quite overwhelming when in an enclosed space.

  8. Beautiful photos, sad you felt so ill, trust you are feeling better now. X
