

Jennie's recipes

Monday 30 May 2016

Here comes the sun (di-di-de-da)

Happy days.  Another Malvern Trip with a 3.30 a.m. start . . .

Pretty china and glass on a stall inside the Avon Hall.

A stand opposite specialized in older soft toys.

A blast from the past.  A superb Victorian epergne (table centrepiece) but SO passe these days.  The colour was purple and lilac (the sun on it hasn't helped the colour in the photo) which is unusual, as they are usually in craberry glass.  As we passed again later in the day, the stall holder was wrapping it up for two delighted ladies, so it DID sell.

Some bantam-egg sized beads!  You'd know you were wearing these . . .

Above and below: some interesting and very rural things from East German barns arrive regularly at Malvern, Ardingly and the other big Antiques Fairs/Fleamarkets.

A very basic home-made hay cart.  I couldn't see us getting THIS up the stairs at the Unit!!

A rather prosaic selection on another stall . . .  There were a lot of stalls like this, which we moved swiftly past!

Pretty glass elsewhere on the site.  As it was a Bank Holiday the world and his wife had come to sell (and of course BUY!) there.  It took us over 5 hours to get round - many years of car boot sales have given us a good eye for assessing which stalls were interesting for us, and which were NOT!

On the way home, we stopped to change drivers (it is such a long and tiring day) by the Brecon turn off at Willersley.  As you can see, Cats' Cottage is undergoing some serious renovation (and not a moment too soon!)

So, all over for another day and I can't wait for the next one in a month's time.


  1. The stall you walked swiftly by and the glass stall look like so many at car boot sales here. Do they actually ever sell anything? I always wonder. Epergnes are weird, my late X mother in law had a plastic one - dreadful!

  2. I have never seen an epergne, but thought this was very pretty in colors and unique. What on earth one would do with it, I don't have a clue. It would have to be kept somewhere where dust would not be accumulating on it. :-)

    I loved the rustic bits and pieces.

    Your morning photos of the sun and road ahead were lovely.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  3. I rather l;ike the epergne, it's a pretty colour. Don't know what I'd do with it though. And I would LOVE that hay cart. Getting it home might be a bit of a problem though:)

  4. I have never seen a purple glass epergne like that before! My goodness, it was a cracker. Yes, they were centrepieces in Victorian times, designed to be filled with sweets and small fruits and chocolates. My mother had one in her hall, on a credenza. It was under the stairs and her Siamese cat had a habit of pawing at anyone who passed by sitting on the banister. One day, he pawed her too hard and lost his balance and came flying down the banister and in so doing knocked the cranberry glass epergne flying, too! That was the end of that! Of course, the cat survived!
    Margaret P

  5. I love the idea of going to these fairs but in reality I know that A, I would hate it if it was crowded and B, I would get glassy eyed halfway round and miss the perfect gem. I prefer smaller things and try to pick a quiet time to wander round at my leisure.

  6. I love taking sun shots like that, my rubbish mobile phone is adept at putting huge flares all over them. Sun. Ha. Not here.

  7. I just can't imagine keeping going all day on a long day like that - but the stuff looks interesting BB.

  8. We had planned to have a look at the cottage when we were in Hereford at the start of the month, but time did not permit.

    Looks like they are making an effort to retain the timber frame, so that at least bodes well for a sympathetic restoration.

  9. The gorgeous purples in that epergne nearly had me - then I took a closer look and the dust bunnies were already peeking at me from its corners and crannies. I love the antique high chair in the background of one of your wonderful photos; and I love your photos, BB, thanks so much for sharing Wales with us.

    Are you familiar with your homegrown talent, Martyn Joseph? He's a singer / songwriter in his 50s who has performed in the genre of Phil Oakes and Bruce Springsteen with only himself for a band tho. I just love his songs. Perhaps you would like him as well. He flies a small Welsh flag on his mike stand at each concert-I've seen him ten times in the last 15 years since we met at an intimate house concert near San Francisco in 2000. I love him and what he sings of how he presents himself and his work in charities.

  10. Oh my goodness! I think I could have bought most things from the man from Germany. Fantastic stuff!!
