

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 25 June 2016

Roses all the way

These will be the last photos until I can get someone (preferably talented and free) to fix my computer as I stupidly pressed yes, when Realtime said it needed to be updated.  As this was my son's laptop, I assumed it was something he put on, and needed doing.  It now sabotages my photos and hides them somewhere - he found the rose photos, but damned if I can find the following photos I took around Hay-on-Wye.    Anyway, some garden photos and few words as I am bizzy, bizzy, bizzy right now with my little business.

Paul's Himalayan Musk putting on its annual glorious show.

The Philadelphus in one corner is delightful, and climbed right up through its canopy of PHM roses.

The Apple-tree Clematis.

New Dawn.

The French one I've forgotten the name of . . .

The Garland.

Raubritter, one of my favourites.

Another of my new David Austin roses, Teasing Georgia.

Cardinal Richelieau.

Another new one - L D Braithwaite, who is actually a lot darker than this.

Last new one. Litchfield Angel.  In full bloom it is whiter.

Tess of the D'Urbervilles.

I've lost the name of this - not a D.A. rose, just a gorgeous Yellow somethingorother.

Offspring of PHM by the front gate.

Above and below: new bedding.  I couldn't resist this although my beloved says it is "dull" coloured.  Hmmm.  I got a further 10% off on a special deal on the day.  The pattern is Columbine.  I only went in for a new paintbrush too!

Monday 20 June 2016

Catch up post

I think this was Constance Spry, on a sunny wall at Mottisfont Abbey.  I was going to share some photos of the roses in MY garden with you today, but unfortunately when I plugged my camera in, the connection noise was there but no connection.  I don't know if I need a new connection lead.  Will try again tomorrow.

Anyway, I have been doing a little gardening now the rain has stopped.  We won't be able to mow the lawn for a couple of days as it is saturated underfoot, so I hope it stops growing (some chance!) as we'll need to put a few sheep on it otherwise!

We have been very busy out and about, and yesterday was the Fleamarket in town.  We had a good day, although ended up reinvesting all we had taken and more on new stock.  You have to speculate to accumulate!

We have seen our middle daughter today and taken her out to lunch, and will see her again tomorrow as she is still on holiday.   We're going to view an auction together, which will be a first for her!

Then on Thursday we're picking up our son to go and vote, and he'll be staying the night.  Our eldest daughter is home on 1st July (just for the weekend) so hopefully we can all get together.

Back tomorrow, hopefully with some photos.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

New forest photos I nearly forgot

I nearly forgot the New Forest photos which I took when I was down staying with Tricia.  These blurry ones were of wild flowers (Ox Eye Daisies and purple Tufted Vetch) which were growing beside the main road and just SO beautiful.  I wanted to walk among them and take lots of photos but would have got squashed flat just trying to cross 4 lanes of traffic!

Above and below.  One of the few foals born on the Forest this year.  Since pony prices took a dive, stallions have been taken off the Forest, some gelded and others pts, which is sad but perhaps best for the breed in the long run.  So fewer stallions, fewer foals and the ponies in much better condition overall - though this mare looks like a good worming wouldn't go amiss.  The collar round her neck is a reflective one, in the hope of warning traffic at night if she is crossing the road.

The foal was feeling sleepy in the heat.

Anyway, I met up with my dear friend A, and after going to her saddlers'/feed shop for feed, we took her young dog out for a short walk across the Forest.  It was good to be back.

Heath Spotted Orchid.  (I think - too tired this morning to form proper thoughts!)

Beautiful Dog Roses growing without restraint.  There are several different types in the UK, but this pale one seems the most common.  Here in Wales we have them in slightly deeper pink hue - Downy Rose, or perhaps Sweet Briar?  Always good to see anyway.

A really gorgeous cottage on the Forest - I could move in this minute!!

A final lingering look at this bit of Forest, where I have picked bags full of Wilding Apples and Crab Apples. . .

Finally, Rhododendrons - OK, I know they are invasive, but how pretty is this?

Tuesday 14 June 2016

A short coastal walk at Manorbier - wild flower overload

The lovely summery weather at the end of May tempted us to the coast several times.  We included Manorbier in the itinerary.  Mostly photos rather than words.  Enjoy.

Umbellifer - Water Dropwort ?  I didn't pick a leaf for better identity.

The huge Neolithic burial chamber which overlooks the bay.  I intended to take a few more photos on our way back but it was being climbed on by children then.

There was a good bit of breeze so photographing these Scabious was difficult.  Small Scabious, I think, flowering early.

What REALLY ANNOYED ME was the fact that the Council (I presume) had decided that the coastal path needed to be strimmed.  WTF?  This is wild countryside.  Anyone walking it should realize that and not expect it to be trimmed like a municipal park.  What a waste of money.


Kidney Vetch.

I think this is Sea Mayweed (I'm not good on seaside plants).

This one's easier - Sea Campion.

I've gone brain dead on this one.  Later:   It suddenly came to me - Stonecrop.

Lovely views whichever way we looked.

Pass on this one too.  A bit like a Spring Squill.

Tussocks of Thyme.

Sea pinks  (Thrift).

Looking back towards the beach and Manorbier Castle and village.

Saturday 11 June 2016

Hampshire in the sunshine and some lovely flowers at Mottisfont Abbey

This is one of the beautiful roses at Mottisfont Abbey - it's name is Crimson Glory.  I think this was one of the ones growing against the walled courtyard as you proceed through towards the gardens from the entrance.

We stopped at the bridge over the River Itchen (the Test and the Itchen are Hampshire's two great chalkstream rivers, famed for their fishing).

As you can see, the view from the opposite side of the bridge showed some of the Trout that these rivers support.  Dear old Jack Hargreaves would have loved this sight.

Beautiful Mottisfont Abbey.

This lovely bridge across the Test reminded me of Monet's gardens at Giverny.

No label, but isn't it pretty?  One to try and track down I think.

I thought this was Lady Waterlow, having taken a photo of the nameplate in the ground beneath it, but on-line photos show Lady Waterlow being a deeper pink than this and I can now see a different (unreadable) label on the left!

Single Cherry is the name of this deep pink rose.

The plantings were lovely - this large white Clematis was scrambling up a wall between roses, with a Potentilla and a lovely deep purple Iris in front of it.

Another stretch of herbaceous border.

This is Double Blanche.

Here is Tricia, the birthday girl, sitting gratefully in a shady corner for a while.  It was a really hot day and it was good to just sit and watch the world go by out of the sun for a bit.

This climber is Ards Rover.

A sea of Nigella.

Glorious white Paeonies.  Sharon - I saw these and thought of you!

Label too fuzzy a photo to read! but such a pretty rose.

A cooler spot to pause by, as we headed homewards.

A final view of the gardens.