

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 25 June 2016

Roses all the way

These will be the last photos until I can get someone (preferably talented and free) to fix my computer as I stupidly pressed yes, when Realtime said it needed to be updated.  As this was my son's laptop, I assumed it was something he put on, and needed doing.  It now sabotages my photos and hides them somewhere - he found the rose photos, but damned if I can find the following photos I took around Hay-on-Wye.    Anyway, some garden photos and few words as I am bizzy, bizzy, bizzy right now with my little business.

Paul's Himalayan Musk putting on its annual glorious show.

The Philadelphus in one corner is delightful, and climbed right up through its canopy of PHM roses.

The Apple-tree Clematis.

New Dawn.

The French one I've forgotten the name of . . .

The Garland.

Raubritter, one of my favourites.

Another of my new David Austin roses, Teasing Georgia.

Cardinal Richelieau.

Another new one - L D Braithwaite, who is actually a lot darker than this.

Last new one. Litchfield Angel.  In full bloom it is whiter.

Tess of the D'Urbervilles.

I've lost the name of this - not a D.A. rose, just a gorgeous Yellow somethingorother.

Offspring of PHM by the front gate.

Above and below: new bedding.  I couldn't resist this although my beloved says it is "dull" coloured.  Hmmm.  I got a further 10% off on a special deal on the day.  The pattern is Columbine.  I only went in for a new paintbrush too!


  1. That deep yellow 'something or other' is GORGEOUS!!!! And I love your new bedding, too. I have to avoid the bedding section 'cos I can't resist new duvet covers and my airing cupboard is overflowing . . . and I only have 1 bed!!!!

  2. Love the roses a great collection, love the bedding too very calming, I revamped our bedroom with new bedding we then had a viewing and sold, so who knows could this do the trick :-)

  3. Oh My Goodness. What a fabulous post today. You live in a paradise.
    I miss all my roses so much, out here in the desert it is always not a plant you can grow.
    And if you do grow one the critters living in them are awful from wolf spiders, scorpions and various others.
    Such a beautiful post !

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  4. The roses are gorgeous, I intend to add some more this autumn. I am a sucker for bed linen and try to steer clear of it. Glad to hear that business is good.

  5. Something about new bed linens is a joy to the feminine soul--I have a friend who refers to seasonal 'outfits' for her bedroom.
    Lovely, lovely roses--I never can decide if the pastels or the deep reds are my favorites. I'm sure the PHM must be delightfully scented--how about the others?
    A pox on computers and their frustrating ailments [but we'd be lost without them!]

  6. Gorgeous roses and you must be thrilled with the new ones. Our Paul`s Himalayan Musk has recovered from its harsh pruning and is looking lovely.

  7. Yellow roses are my favorite, we don't have as many as you, but we do have a lovely cream one growing up a new arch.

  8. What a beautiful selection of roses - do wish we had more in our garden. Do hope you get your computer problems solved soon - there is nothing worse than when they go wrong :(
