

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 29 September 2016

Another busy day, and Fitbit-itis

Another busy day. A 3 mile walk this morning and it was SUCH hard going as my legs weren't in the mood for it one iota. It was a trudge not a walk. Anyway, I clocked up a few more Km on my Fitbit and was very glad for a sit-down when I got home.  The Fitbit records all your steps for the day and it's surprising how many you can clock up just around the home.  You are supposed to do 10,000 steps a day for fitness, and I always exceed that.  I am also dieting (looking at the photos on here you wouldn't believe it! but I am keeping a count of every calory).  I started 10 days ago and have lost 2 lbs this week.

I baked a cake just after breakfast - a Weightwatchers recipe which only has a spoonful of sugar and lots of fruit which also replace the fat element of the baking. I didn't feel too guilty when I had a sample piece at the end of my exercise. About 150 cal, as I left off the sugary cornflake topping. A waste of calories as it was perfectly sweet enough from the banana, apple and blueberries in it. Then this afternoon I baked a Mincemeat Cake (homemade Mincemeat), which smelt wonderful as it was cooking as it had orange zest in it. That's for friends at the Antiques Fair this weekend. Home made Minestrone Soup for lunch and home made Kedgeree for my evening meal. They tasted SO good.

Finally some photos of our new coffer now that Keith has sorted out the top - put it this way, it looked really bad before as it had been dripped on for 10 years in a leaky barn. Looking at the split "feet" on it, and because the lid is a replacement and the earlier one had pegs which dropped into the top of this coffer, we think it may have been part of an earlier mule chest. The pattern is on all four sides which is unusual as they don't normally bother with the back, and the later key escutcheon has been put on covering part of the decoration. We love it anyway,  If you look closely at the escutcheon, you may noticed two tiny little "flowers" carved in the wood, with spirally "petals".  These are used elsewhere in the main design (check the front panels, inbetween the "leaves") and add such individuality to it.


  1. I'm very off my fitness game, too much bread and bloat! Ugh. Blasted fat stomach. I'll sort it though.

  2. I'm trying to cut bread out completely and get a better balance to my diet - more protein and less carbs. Mostly I really enjoy the walking - it tended to get abandoned when we were really busy, so it's good to have the Fitbit looking over my shoulder and chivvying me on!

  3. I'm following a Low Carb/High Fat diet and it has been very succesful. 3 months after I started, I had lost 22 lbs in weight, my blood pressure was much lower and best of all - my recent Diabetes diagnosis had been reversed; my blood sugar is now in the 'healthy' range. Phew!
    I can't manage all those steps as I am awaiting a replacement knee operation but I exercise as much as possible. Good luck with your efforts!

    1. Oh well done on losing so much weight. When your knee op has been done you will be like a new woman. I fell off my perch a bit today and had a chocolate bar in the afternoon as I knew tea was several hours away. I did manage lots of steps though so hopefully counselled out the naughty interlude!

  4. What a dedicated person you are Jennie, think I will just eat things as they come. Lovely coffer you have there what a splendid piece of work by you both.

    1. I've done a bit too much of eating things as they come Thelma! No self restraint, until I took myself by the scruff of the neck. We agree with you, the coffer is lovely.

  5. What a dedicated person you are Jennie, think I will just eat things as they come. Lovely coffer you have there what a splendid piece of work by you both.
